Fish Deeper Premium: collective bathymetry for fishermen

© Grégory MARTIN

Fish Deeper Premium is a subscription-based service that gives you access to bathymetric charts from all over the world, whether on your smartphone, tablet or computer. The service offers over 50,000 relevant bathymetric charts.

In recent years, interest in bathymetry has grown strongly in the world of fishing, whatever the type (carp, carnivorous...). Many fishfinders allow you to create your own bathymetric charts, but it's impossible to do this individually for every location in France, let alone on a European or global scale. Although bathymetric charts are available on the market, they only cover a few well-known locations. Deeper via Fish Deeper Premium offers fishermen bathymetric charts from all over the world, to help them plan their fishing trips and make the most of their chosen spots.

La bathymétrie grâce à la communauté Deeper.
Bathymetry thanks to the Deeper community.

What is bathymetry?

It's the science of measuring depths and underwater relief. Bathymetric charts enable anglers to plan their fishing trips and make the most of their chosen spots by adapting their fishing strategies to current conditions.

What is Fish Deeper Premium?

To give anglers access to the bathymetry of any location, the Deeper company has come up with the innovative idea of pooling the bathymetric data of all anglers using a Deeper sounder via Fish Deeper Premium. This means that canals, lakes, ponds, rivers and gravel pits can all be mapped, and are accessible to Fish Deeper Premium subscribers if Deeper fishfinder users have been there.

How is this possible?

Fish Deeper remains the collective database. All Deeper owners install the Fish Deeper application to access all the features of their Deeper. This application is associated with a personal account (e-mail + password) and therefore with a Deeper sounder. Users who wish to do so can subscribe to Fish Deeper Premium. The bathymetric data of all Deeper owners with a Fish Deeper Premium account is thus collected, processed and compared to offer a maximum of relevant global bathymetric maps and eliminate possible inaccuracies.

Personal data

Please note that only global bathymetric data is accessible to all Fish Deeper Premium anglers. Under no circumstances will your personal data (spots, catches, sounder reference, etc.) be seen by other anglers. Only you have access to it. The data collected is therefore completely de-personalized, giving rise simply to precise global bathymetric charts.

A private place appears

Private property owners can request removal of the bathymetric map by contacting Deeper at and sending proof of ownership.

Fish Deeper Premium is a small revolution in the world of bathymetry, and therefore in fishing, thanks to the Deeper community.

In a future article, we'll look at how to use Fish Deeper Premium.

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