The Live

Meeting fish and aquatic mammals on France Culture

Permit is the ultimate challenge in warm sea fishing.

Permit fishing, the Holy Grail of flats fly fishing

Tips for successful winter pike fishing

Sea fishing More news

Eging: Get to know the cephalopods before fishing them!

A season in review

Report on my kayak fishing season in Brittany

Winter fishing: cod, a fish to seek out

Tips to fish effectively for whiting in surfcasting in winter

Squid fishing with tataki, a formidable technique in winter

Material / Equipment More news

My top 3 shads for vertical pike-perch fishing in winter

BlueBlue, the famous Japanese brand distributed by VIP Fishing

Mosquetari, a telescopic casting rod with the wire inside

Vertical fishing: 3 types of soft lures to consider for pike-perch

I have tested...

Shimano's Twinpower reel range, a sure bet!

Culture More news

Clément Pouthier: "We mustn't get carried away"

Pro-StaffClément Pouthier Pro-Staff Honda Marine France

Pro-Staff, the series that gives a voice to sponsored anglers

A bill to ban live-fishing has been tabled!

One last throw?

The last fishing cast: myth, confirmation or necessity?

Jérôme Magnier-Moreno, fishing writer

Meeting with Jérôme Magnier-Moreno, writer, fisherman and painter

Freshwater Fishing More news

Carp fishing with stick, an efficient winter strategy !

Winter percid fishing, slow fishing and downsizing

Perch in a small river with a natural setup in early winter

Winter black bass fishing, finding the big fish

Fishing for perch in winter, the most effective techniques

Fishing trip More news

Discover ice fishing in Quebec, a technique in its own right

Fly-fishing for bonefish, the star fish of the flats

The Florida Red Fish, a sport fish that is long overdue!

Boats More news

3D Craft Norden 770 and Suzuki DF350: a functional helmsman for fishing

3 D Craft Norden 770
Equipping your fishing kayak

How do you equip your fishing kayak?

Honda Marine France increases its presence on the sport fishing circuit

How to repair your semi-rigid with the Atelier du Semi-Rigide?

Fishing on a bass boat, Hot Foot: for or against?

Special Edition More news

Equipping your boat for better fishing

Special Edition
Special Edition

Fishing for carnivorous fish

Special Edition

Trout fishing

Special Edition

Ideas for fishing trips, destinations and materials