Discovery of the camp and first day of peacock bass fishing

Fishing camp of Pura Pesca on the Tomo river. © Likid Fishing

No more comfort in the hotel of Puerto Carreño, here we are on the camp in the middle of the Colombian jungle! Let's see together how the life on this one is, and the services that it offers.

After the transfer day, we discover the fishing camp and leave for our first day of fishing.

The fishing camp

On the camp, everything necessary is there to spend a week comfortably: showers, toilets, common area where meals are given.

Les repas sont servis sur une table commune.
Meals are served on a common table.

The meals are prepared on site by a team that stays there continuously.

Le camp dispose d'une cuisine.
The camp has a kitchen.

Morning, noon and evening, hot meals are served at the camp. Meals are generally composed of meat or fish, accompanied by starchy foods.

Exemple de repas servit sur le camp.
Meal served on the camp.

The tent

Each fisherman has an individual tent to sleep and store his stuff. This tent has a bed, a fan and 110 volt US type electrical outlets.

Ma chambre le temps du séjour sur le rio Tomo.
My room the time of the stay on the rio Tomo.

Electrical equipment sold in France can generally be used with this voltage. To be sure, it is necessary to check if it can be powered by 110 volts, often stipulated by the mention: input 110/220V, indicated on the transformer. In addition, an adapter is required to plug the device into the socket.

La Colombie possède les même prises électriques que les Etats-Unis.
Colombia has the same electrical outlets as the United States.

The tent is cleaned every day by the camp staff, which is much appreciated, especially for removing sand.

First day of fishing

The boats are composed of three people, two fishermen and a guide/motorist. For the next six days, I team up with Mauricio Ocampo, the director of Pura Pesca.

Peacock bass capturé au popper.
Peacock bass caught with a popper.

This first day is calm, we saw a big peacock bass on a beach, but it was much too late to make any presentation of lure, it had already seen the boat and fled. The sight of this beautiful fish confirms me on the potential of this rio, on which I had not managed to have much information.

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