Carp fishing with the zig, a technique that's becoming increasingly popular!

© Pauline Bellicourt

Carp fishing with zig consists in catching fish between two waters. The summer period is a good time to learn and approve this approach. If you are a fan of carp fishing in battery, but also of feeder or method-feeder, let yourself be tempted.

What is the zig?

The zig is a fishing which consists in taking the carps between two waters. It is a very active and dynamic fishing, because it is the rate of baiting that will trigger the hits. In other words, no baiting, no fish!

Une pêche dynamique
A dynamic fishery

How do I go about zig fishing?

For the fishing area, it is essential to probe well its fishing area. The best is the marker, with lead to probe. In addition to being able to measure the height of water almost exact, to measure the zigs, the lead will make it possible to feel the nature of the bottom (stones, mud, sandâeuros¦).

Even if fishing with a zig you will catch fish between two waters, you must not neglect that the baits put on the area fall to the bottom. And so, fish will come to feed on it, which will allow to alternate a fishing on the bottom when you will not have any more bites with the zig. It's also a good way to prepare for bottom fishing during long evening and night sessions.

Des lignes adaptées
Adapted lines

To rig, use a long leader with a barbless hook and a foam or pop-up on the hair. Nylon 25/100 is a good compromise. The length of the leader will vary according to the depth of the water and your fishing area. As the day progresses, the fish will regularly change water layers to feed.

If the water height is 3 m, often, you start fishing with a leader of half, that is to say 1,50 m. Then, depending on the number of hits, or false hits, you will have to adjust by shortening or lengthening the leader.

Varier les couleurs
Vary the colors

The colors of foams, or pop-up are to be tested and varied throughout the day. Change also the shapes (balls, dumbels), and the diameters of the proposed artificial bait. On the one hand, because the brightness is different depending on the time of day, and on the other hand, changing the color triggers hits. Thus, you can prepare several different zigs at home.


For baiting, flour and pellets are still the best way to attract the curiosity of fish and bring them to the fishing area. The meal must be wet so as to form a cloud when it touches the water. The baiting must be regular and dynamic whether you are fishing with a battery carp, and therefore with a spomb baiting, or with a feeder, with a baiting with a cage.

Attirer la curiosité des carpes
Attracting the curiosity of carp

There is no magic formula, as in all fishing, the feeling of the water and the fisherman, adaptation and research will make you trigger the hits. But above all, do not let yourself fall asleep and stay dynamic.

That is to say that you can as well throw spombs, or cage feeder, every two minutes, as well as 5/10/15 minutes if it suits you and thus let the fish arrive on the area. It all depends on your expectations, your desire and your fishing objective.

To keep the fish, baiting must be consistent, but also as accurate as possible. This helps to centralize the fish and not scatter them. So get your bearings before you start baiting and fishing. The bites will be clean and straightforward, adrenaline and sensation guaranteed!

Un amorçage précis et régulier
Precise and regular priming

Nice surprise fish can come up on your area

Think of having a suitable landing net with a long handle and a wide head. The landing net will be much less practical with a long zig line than with your usual leaders, close to the lead. If you have the possibility to have a teammate, ask him, so you can ensure your catches and thus reinforce a team work.

Le zig, une technique efficace
The zig, an effective technique

Finally, place your fish on a landing mat and take a picture without delay before gently releasing your fish back into the water.

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