Fishing for peacock bass in Colombia : day 9, take advantage of the weather conditions

Peacock bass of the Mataven river, Colombia. © Likid Fishing

The last day of fishing arrived, we would have stayed there one week more, but it is unfortunately not possible. We are going to try to take advantage to the maximum of this last day.

This sixth day of fishing is surprisingly quiet and warm, few butterflies and even fewer tememsis show up.

Le repas du midi, un moment de repos et de partage.
Lunch, a moment of rest and sharing.

After the lunch break, the weather changes and it starts to rain continuously, with thunderstorm. We feel clearly that something happens under water.

Arrived in another lagoon where we know that a big peacock bass is present, because we saw it hunting two days earlier, my colleague catches a peacock bass which has a Paca dress. This fish is also a tememsis, the peacock bass with three stripes, they are able to change their appearance. This Paca color would be the color they take to hunt.

Be equipped against the rain

At this latitude, the heat makes it easier to tolerate rain. Therefore, there is no need to carry a big waterproof suit, but a light K-way is necessary.

The showers are often intense but do not last too long, so as soon as the sun appears again the clothes dry quickly. In addition to this waterproof suit, a small waterproof bag, to store the camera and all the objects that need protection against water, is to be foreseen.

La pluie peut déclencher l'activité des peacock bass.
Rain can trigger peacock bass activity.

Leave early and return late

During our stay, we have mostly caught fish in the morning and evening. The heat of the middle of the day seems to put the activity of the fish in slow motion.

Unfortunately, in an organized stay like this one, we are dependent on the schedules of operation of the camp and these did not correspond with the optimal activity of the fishes, so we have to make with it.

Also, the low river levels made it impossible to navigate in low light, so we didn't have the opportunity to fish earlier or later. But, after this observation, it tells us to be diligent at the beginning and end of the day, as well as during any change in weather, such as a rain shower or cloudy passage.

Debriefing of the day

This storm was the trigger that activated the lagoons, as several large fish were caught at the same time.

When it rains, we would be tempted to go back to the shelter, but as often in fishing, the climatic conditions that do not help the fishermen, suit the fish.

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