can you introduce yourself to the readers?
My name is Alberto, "aburunda" in social networks. I'm 47 years old and I live in a small town in Galicia called Foz (Lugo). I usually fish Spinning and Jigging in the Galician Cantabric Sea from my boat.
can you tell us about your beginnings in fishing?
Since I was a child my father always took me fishing, so you could say that I have been fishing for as long as I can remember. We used to go out in a small boat to catch squid and sea bass, apart from the fishing itself he also taught me something very important that I never forget: you have to love and respect the sea.
Over time my passion for sport fishing has been growing progressively with each year I add to my life.
when, how and why did you accept to be Pro-Staff?
It all started in 2018 when I met Ramón Cañadas from "El pez rosa". Every year, in the sport boat association that I preside in Foz, there is a sport fishing event where different technical modalities and materials are shown. It was there where Ramón proposed me to participate in the Spanish Fiiish team, which I accepted willingly. For me it was a great opportunity, on the one hand, to try the best lures for the first time and on the other hand, to meet new fishing professionals from all over the country, already friends with whom I share sensations, opinions and experiences. Nor do I want to forget another of my main objectives that I can fulfill thanks to being a Pro-Staff angler: to teach and show young people everything I learn every day.
and how did you learn about the brand?
I met her in "Kukadas", the fishing store in my town. One day I went in looking for a vinyl lure for Spinning bass fishing, I wanted something that looked as similar as possible to a sandeel and I found the Crazy SandEel, it was literally a crush at first sight. It gave me an unimaginable amount of bass at that time and from then on, I think Fiiish became very well known in the north of Galicia.
Being an ambassador, what does that mean to you?
It means that every time I go out fishing, with any species that I target; Sea Bass, Dentex, Pollock, San Martiños, Snappers, etc...everything is possible and enjoyment is guaranteed.
This position is allowing me a huge evolution in my way of fishing, both Spinning and Jigging with vinyls, especially with the latter of which I am a total adept.
Being a Fiiish ambassador, making a simile with F1, is like being in Ferrari, you have at your fingertips a constant innovation in all the vinyls and materials needed to catch any species in any depth, situation or season.
From a more human point of view, I see it as an opportunity to help this hobby to last among future and present generations, it is more accessible from this position of ambassador to get a young person out of his Gamer chair or his couch to initiate him in fishing.
your best memory, or an anecdote, as a Pro-Staff to share with our readers?
I don't think I can say which is my best memory because there have been so many and so good, that it is difficult to highlight just one. I will keep the experience of having caught species never caught by me before, thanks to the Fiiish vinyls. I especially remember my first Dentex caught with a Crazy Sandeel in Almeria, since that day it is one of the species that have obsessed me the most and that I finally managed to catch in my homeland, Galicia. I also remember my first Hake caught with a Black Minnow, my first Snapper, etc.
Also as a member of the Fiiish team, I am especially proud to have the opportunity to be a speaker at the technical talks on fishing with artificial lures, in my town, Foz. In these conferences I can explain to more than a hundred anglers how I have managed to improve and advance with Fiiish lures in San Martiños and Dentex fishing.
In short, I have countless good memories and I am sure I will have many more.
how do you see fishing in Spain?
I see it with possibilities of having a great future if we refer to it as a sport. Spain as a fishing destination for this modality has nothing to envy to exotic or tropical countries. We have approximately 8,000 kilometers of coastline and Spanish rivers cover 39,257 km, in both cases we have an incredible biodiversity. We can take advantage of this wealth, but for it to last we must be aware of the need to respect our rivers and seas, we must fight as much as we can against climate change and we must not overexploit our fishing grounds. If we respect nature, our future generations will realize how fortunate they are to live here.
In order to preserve our biodiversity and natural wealth, we will need politicians who will stop and think seriously about what a sport like fishing can contribute to society.
and how do you see it in the fishing world?
Healthy competition and competitiveness make us all improve. I personally like to learn from anyone who can teach me and teach anyone who wants to learn.
When it comes to fishing, I believe that you can always learn, even from someone who is just starting out. Learning is an evolution, what today you think you know with precision, tomorrow maybe it will go further. What my experience has taught me is that in fishing nobody has the absolute truth and luckily, even if we get very close to total success, there is no definitive lure or technique, otherwise... what would be the point of going fishing?
any advice for anglers who someday want to join a Pro-Staff team?
Humility, respect, companionship, patience and a lot of vocation to help other anglers, must be indispensable qualities to be in a Pro-Staff team. But the most important thing is and must always be to enjoy fishing, never forget this last one...