The physical benefits of fishing, a sport in its own right

© Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

The image of the fisherman sitting on his chair waiting for the cork to sink is still very much alive. However, fishing has the advantage of offering different types of physical efforts adapted to each person.

The benefits of walking

When you practice a so-called roving fishing and you walk along the water's edge, the attraction of the fish will make you forget the miles you've walked. A good solution to practice walking without realizing it. And what could be more enjoyable than walking in the wilderness in search of the fish of your dreams? Moreover, casting and re-casting your lure or your lead of several grams will allow you to work your muscles and your joints gently.

De longues marches pour prospecter différents spots
Long walks to explore different spots

More and more sporty techniques

At first sight, the leisure fishing is not in the eyes of the novices a recognized sporting practice. However, there are different recognized sports federations for example fishing with lures, fishing in surfcasting, with the organization of national and world competitions. There are even competitions for sportsmen, such as the Salmo Trek which combines fishing and hiking in a competitive spirit.

New fishing techniques, such as kayak or float tube fishing, are becoming more and more popular for fishermen who want to combine fishing and physical activity. For kayak fishing, manufacturers have developed pedal-powered kayaks that allow you to cover long distances quickly while controlling your efforts.

Pêche en kayak
Kayak fishing

Hard fights

Some fishermen, rather seasoned and in good shape, focus on the practice of fishing called sport. This type of fishing consists in tracking down fish so powerful that the fights can last more than an hour. This more than physical fishing allows you to confront fish weighing more than 40 kilos and which can exceed 100 kilos. Imagine what a fight can be when at the end of the line you are hooked to a bluefin tuna of 80 kilosâeuros¦

Combat avec un gros poisson
Fight with a big fish

The sun, an ally

Practicing outdoors allows you to enjoy the benefits of the sun. Filling up on vitamin D is simply strengthening your immune system and increasing your health capital. It is clear that an assiduous fisherman will not lack vitamin D!

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