3 effective techniques for fishing from the shore in the Canaries

Fishing in the Canaries © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

Off the coast of Morocco, the Canaries offer us the chance to fish for typical Mediterranean species, as well as exotic fish species with shore jigging, rockfishing or bait.

Shore Jigging

The volcanic islands of the Canaries lend themselves particularly well to shore jigging. Most spots are subject to strong currents, which are particularly appreciated by most large predators. The bottom drops off very quickly, allowing us to target pelagic species with ease.

Amberjacks and barracudas generally frequent the spots at dawn and dusk and can easily be caught with surface lures. During the day, jig castings will allow you to target pelamids and bonitos in the upper part of the water layer, as well as humphead wrasse and dentex close to the bottom.

Découvrir de nouvelles espèces de poisson
Discover new fish species


Rockfishing is a technique that allows you to discover the full biodiversity of an area. Particularly in the Canary Islands, there are many new species to catch. Some are very colorful and others very combative, so there's always something to enjoy.

When the sea is rough, a large number of sars will come close to the shore to feed in the foam and won't hesitate to attack your small hard lures. In calm seas, dykes and beaches are a good place to try and catch gobies, blennies, parrotfish and other unusual species. Don't forget that fishing in harbours is totally forbidden in the Canaries, so prefer wild areas, which are more interesting to fish and explore.

Bait fishing

Pêcher de belles raies du bord
Fishing for rays from the shore

When you land in a new place, don't hesitate to go bait fishing to discover the potential of a fishing area. Of course, it's not always easy to find bait, especially if you want to get away from civilization. However, a simple piece of fish on a hook will enable you to make your first catches. You can also try bread fishing, which is particularly effective near tourist areas.

If you're sufficiently equipped, there are plenty of large stingrays, which can reach a wingspan of over two meters. Beware of their venomous sting, which will not leave you unharmed if you're not careful enough. Stingrays are a protected species on the Canary Islands, so be sure to return them quickly to the water to avoid damaging them.

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