The transport tube or bazuka, an alternative to travel sticks

Traveling with your canes © Matteo Risi

Traveling with canes quickly becomes a real headache. If you have travel sticks, the problem is solved. Otherwise, you will have to invest in a transport tube, also known as a "bazuka" or "bazooka".

Models and prices of the different transport tubes

The transport tubes present on the market today have a modular lengthening, which allows to limit their size according to the rods with which you want to travel. They come in two different sizes: for 4 or for 8 rods. You will be amazed by the amount of stuff they can hold. Be careful though, because you can also be surprised quickly. Particularly if you are going for "exotic" trips with rods where the first ring is particularly big and bulky. When you travel with several people, I recommend that you add 60 to 80 euros and opt for a bazuka 8 rods. Remember that this is a long-term investment.

Traveling with your fishing equipment is a luxury and the airlines are there to remind us. A transport tube can be between 1.50 m and up to 2.50 m long, so it falls directly into the category of "special" luggage (height + length + width > 158 cm). Attention: as much as possible, try to limit the size of your tube to 180 cm. Some planes do not accept equipment longer than 180 cm.

Although the rates vary greatly from one company to another, count on average 150 euros to put your rods in the hold for the outward journey as well as for the return. However, you can have good surprises, especially on the return trip. Arrive at the airport well in advance, be very friendly and relaxed and you can hope to negotiate the rates a little, and even not to pay (although this remains anecdotal).

Transporter ses cannes à l'aide d'un tube de transport
Transporting your rods with a transport tube

Practical advice

Although a transport tube is relatively strong, I can only advise you to be extra careful and protect your rods inside the tube as much as possible. Take care to put them in their carrying case and cushion them with t-shirts or other clothing. You can also take advantage of the available space to add fishing equipment. Put in priority everything that is heavy and cumbersome: jigs, weights, pliers, etc... Take care to wrap them in clothes to avoid them hitting the rods. You have in theory up to 23 kilos and don't forget that you can adjust the length of the tube, so take advantage of it.


It is essential when you take the plane to secure your luggage and even more so when it is your transport tube. I therefore recommend that you equip yourself with padlocks, if possible called "TSA" (Transportation Security Administration), opened by the authorities. You can easily spot them because they have a small red diamond that is characteristic of their certification. Indeed, the "classic" padlocks will be automatically cut in case of control.

There are two ways to open a bazuka: the "standard" way from the top, but also when you remove the small pin used to modulate the size of the tube. You will need two locks. For the top, take a standard TSA padlock and in place of the pin, put a soft frame TSA padlock or a large conventional padlock (standard TSAs are too small).

I advise you to bring a spare padlock for the return trip, in case customs has to cut one. Last advice, leave the pin (security clip) within sight! If the authorities break the padlocks despite everything and they have nothing to block the extension of the tube, all your stuff and your rods will be out in the open.

1 : Cadenas TSA standard – 2 : Cadenas TSA souple ou cadenas large – 3 : Clip de sécurité à laisser à portée de vue
1 : Standard TSA padlock âeuros 2 : Soft TSA padlock or large padlock âeuros 3 : Security clip to be left within sight
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