Special Edition / Trout fishing with lure, the basic principles to start

How to start lure fishing for trout

When you start fishing, and especially trout fishing, you will have to understand how the fish are positioned and at what period. This is one of the keys to success and will help you progress.

The season for lure fishing

Adapter sa technique de pêche à la saison
Adapt your fishing technique to the season

Trout fishing with lures can be practiced in any season, during the legal opening period. However, some months of the year are more favourable than others.

The period following the opening is often synonymous with low temperatures and therefore not very active fish. Lure fishing in this season is far from being the best technique. Wait a little and take out your rods when the temperatures are getting milder, often from mid-April until June.

In summer, the water is often low and very clear, which makes fishing with lures complicated. Fish usually feed on larvae and nymphs in this season, which are difficult to imitate with a lure. The month of September, before the closing, is a very good season, especially during sunrise and sunset when trout are hunting on the edges.

Imitation or provocation

The trout is at the same time a very clever and fearful fish, but also a very aggressive carnivore which defends its territory. Its behavior varies according to the seasons and our lures must be adapted to these variations.

When the season starts, trout can feed abundantly on their own offspring, so imitative lures by size and color are recommended. At the end of the season, they feed mainly on minnows and prepare for the arrival of winter. To provoke attacks, do not hesitate to use large lures (7 to 9 cm) to trigger aggressive strikes.

During the summer season, I recommend that you try the soft lure and the different types of spoons. Preferably of small size, these lures will be more adapted to the conditions of level and clarity of the water.

Biotope by season

Une pêche qui diffère selon les biotopes et les saisons
A fishery that differs according to biotopes and seasons

Every river is different, but water temperature dictates fish behavior. For example, it is very rare to see a trout posted on a shallow riffle with a strong current at the opening. Of course, there are exceptions, but the rules often repeat themselves.

In the summer, fish choose from two options. The first, large flats with weak currents to nymph and turn over rocks in search of invertebrates. The second, holes with a good depth to rest if the waters are too warm on the surface. It is towards nightfall that the fish will move to the edges, taking advantage of the decrease in light and temperature. When temperatures are low, trout will often post up near large currents, in a slower stream, to intercept drifting fish or invertebrates.

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