Carp fishing in winter, the fish are always present

© Grégory MARTIN

For many carp anglers, winter means the end of the fishing season. However, it's possible to catch some nice fish in this season of harsh weather conditions. Winter doesn't necessarily mean the end of carp activity.

The harshness of winter

Winter sets in. Nature freezes. Even if, in recent years, a certain warming has succeeded in making winter doubt its powers. Trees are bare, riverbanks are less and less frequented and the water becomes a mirror. Winter in our regions is cold, even very cold (except in Mediterranean and oceanic regions), and many of us prefer to put away our rods and wait for the good weather. Indeed, the very short days, and the often aggressive cold, tend to demotivate the troops.

Le soleil se retire durant 16 heures : la nuit va être longue !
The sun retreats for 16 hours: it's going to be a long night!

Even if winter is a tricky season, it can bring some nice surprises to those who are willing to face it. Let's be brave and remember that "winter is a springtime that ignores itself". Still not convinced?

Tenfold motivation

Personally, I love this season. My motivation is at an all-time high. So much so that if I had to give up a season (by force, of course!), this one wouldn't even be discussed. Being alone at the water's edge in difficult weather conditions is very exciting. Some shots can be magnificent, even mythical. Who hasn't dreamed of a beautiful photo where the snow cover dominates? Who doesn't love photos of canes with frosted or snowy blankets?

La magie de l'hiver.
The magic of winter.

And the list goes on. Photos like these have to be paid for! The only money we have is for our bodies and minds!

Investissement corporel pour contrer les conditions.
Tangible investment to counter conditions.

So, yes, the bites are smaller, but a simple fish has a special flavor. The brilliance of the fish is sublime, and what's more, they're often at an interesting weight (reserves made), which is not to our displeasure.

Grasse !

On familiar ground

In winter, I tackle waters that I know well and whose potential I know. Not all destinations are productive in winter. So, to save time and avoid getting stupidly discouraged, it's best to know at least how carp react to winter.

Some areas become unproductive after a few days of frost. It's best not to linger there. I rarely fish an unfamiliar spot in winter. If this happens to you, get as much information as you can. Likewise, favour small areas rather than vast expanses to make it easier for you to locate the fish. In my region (Centre), weather conditions are often difficult in winter.

Dans ma région, l'hiver est souvent rude.
In my region, winter is often harsh.

The waters are often literally and figuratively icy. Some playgrounds can remain frozen for days or even weeks.

Se retrouver seul au milieu d'un tel décor hivernal n'a pas de prix !
Being alone in the middle of such a wintry setting is priceless!

Accept conditions

It's sometimes unavoidable to wait for the thermometer to rise before you can cast a line and avoid "carp skating". However, for many years now, weather conditions have been very unpredictable. This makes it difficult to give precise theories and, above all, to follow them. As a result, ideal conditions are becoming increasingly rare. What's important to remember is that anything is possible when you're on the water. Above all, you can expect all kinds of weather conditions (from the worst to the best in a very short space of time).

Parfois l'hiver faiblit.
Sometimes winter weakens.

Reward to be earned

I remember a very cold December when the ponds were frozen over. I had planned a winter session, but when I arrived, the pond was frozen over. Determined to fish anyway, I broke the ice in front of me (a thin film in this exposed spot). A good two hours after stretching out the rods, a fish came to visit me. In a very short space of time, I caught 3 fish, each more dazzling than the last.

Pour celle-ci, combat mené scion dans l'eau pour éviter la glace présente en surface sur plusieurs mètres carrés.
For this one, scion-led combat in the water to avoid the ice present on the surface over several square metres.

Effort can pay off, and yet it wasn't a good day to put a dog out. As an anecdote, I had to fight the scion fish in the water to prevent my line from encountering an "ice knife".

Confusing conditions

To illustrate the randomness of the weather, a year later in the same place, it was 14°C in the middle of the day with a south/south-westerly wind and mild temperatures at night! I swear, it was enough to make me lose my Berrichon! Another place, another month, another setting. It's February, and the water has only just thawed (or most of it). The water wasn't warm with this newly-melted ice cube (4/5°C). Daytime temperatures were mild and sunny, but night-time temperatures dipped to -4°C/-5°C. To make matters worse, an icy easterly wind chilled me to the bone. It felt like -10°C.

In such conditions, I'd never have bet on a positive outcome to my session. Well, the ladies had decided to bite in the coldest part of the night. Looking back, I think they wanted to give me a hard time. Today, it remains an excellent memory, but it's true that in the action my body and mind had suffered terribly. On the last night, 6 fish came to visit me.

Cette miroir massive, aux couleurs hivernales si typiques, n'aurait été qu'espoir si je m'en étais tenu qu'aux théories.
This massive mirror, with its typical winter colors, would have been nothing but hope if I'd stuck to theories alone.

Theories (based on preconceived ideas) are only binding on those who put them forward. So we mustn't resign ourselves, but sometimes use violence to provoke destiny. Here's the proof!

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