Which rod holder and luggage should you choose for surfcasting?

Surfcasting fishing essentials.

To meet the needs of surfcasters and facilitate organization at the fishing station, rod holders and baggage are becoming increasingly sophisticated and functional. Here are a few tips to help you make your first purchases.

Cane holders

There are two families of rod holders: tripods and spades.

Visit tripod can support two rods, while the spike can only hold one rod. Most tripods can be adjusted in width (for greater stability) but also in height, so that the rod can be placed as high as possible, notably to place the line above the waves or to limit line entanglement in the current and in any algae.

The advantage of the tripod is that it can be complemented by numerous accessories to help organize the fishing station: shelf and boxes for storing and preparing bait, net or leader holder. These accessories can be invaluable when fishing on beaches with wide tidal ranges. The tripod is also indispensable for fishing in rocky areas, where it is impossible to sink the spike.

However, the pic has the advantage of taking less wind. So it's a good option in rough weather conditions.

Le trépied et la pique peuvent aussi être utilisés de manière complémentaire, notamment en compétition.
The tripod and spike can also be used in a complementary way, particularly in competition.


To be able to adapt to all conditions, it's essential to set out on the water with a large number of accessories and spare equipment to be able to modify your lines and rigs, change your sinkers, etc. This represents a large number of items to sort and store in a bag or crate. This means a lot of items to sort and store in a bag or crate.

There are many crate baskets on the market offering large storage volumes. They are generally watertight and have a flat surface for preparing bait or sitting down while waiting for a hit. To transport the crate, you need a cart or a strap system to carry the crate on your back or over your shoulder. In recent years, however, we've seen the emergence of technical bags developed specifically for the needs of surfcasting. They have the advantage of being more comfortable and feature numerous pockets for optimized storage of fishing accessories.

Another essential: a flexible or rigid cooler to transport and keep your bait fresh.

Une roussette pêchée en surfcasting au Pays de Galles.
A dogfish caught by surfcasting in Wales.

Here are a few pointers to help you get started with surfcasting. Stay tuned to learn more about the equipment dedicated to this technical fishing technique.

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