The best ways to beat your opening trout record

Trout record © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

The trout opening will take place on the second Saturday in March, as it does every year. There's still time to get ready and try to catch your biggest trout on opening day.

Choosing the right location

Surpassing your own trout record is not always an easy task, and some of you may already have hard-to-beat records, but challenging yourself is always a good thing. To give yourself the best chance of realizing this dream, you need to choose a suitable river. On opening day, the trout haven't seen an angler in almost 6 months, so you're more likely to decide on a big fish that hasn't yet been under fishing pressure this year.

Find out as much as you can about the rivers and fishing grounds that hold the biggest fish, even if they are likely to be highly educated. Although a small river with lots of small trout may seem like a good idea for the opening, it would be a mistake. This type of area will still be accessible and fun after a few weeks.

Pêcher de grosses truites c'est réalisable
Big trout fishing is possible

Go first

Unfortunately, when you're fishing on opening day, you often have to choose an area you're sure to pass first. Even if a passing angler hasn't bitten any fish, his mere presence can spook the fish, especially if he lacks discretion, which is quite common.

Don't make the mistake of running from station to station to quickly fish different water holes or favorable currents, take the time to insist on a small stretch of river. The activity can start at any time, whether at daybreak or an hour later. Try out different techniques, whether using different lures or different baits if you're fishing with a toc, for example. However, you'll need to get up early to get to the area first, even before legal time starts and you're ready to fish.

Passer en premier pour tenter de battre votre record truite
Go first to beat your trout record

Insist enough

You may already have chosen the area you're going to fish, because you know its potential. In this case, don't despair after a few hours without a bite, stick to your initial plan, changing your spot completely and getting behind several anglers will probably not work out. Take the time to read the river on your section, observe the currents and potential spots where fish may be posted.

Big fish hiding under a large stone in a water hole may be totally lethargic in the early morning, but post up in full flow and actively hunt when the sun comes out. Fish fast, then slow, or vice versa, but make sure you've exploited an area with big fish to the full.

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