Comfort first
A pontoon is a platform on legs. Generally measuring 1 metre by 1 metre, this platform allows you to set up properly with all your fishing equipment. It's a space-saving platform, since it's flat and easy to transport. It's also quick to install, as all you have to do is insert the four feet. Note that some platforms are foldable.
For stations, seats and baskets, there are no real rules. However, it is essential to be as flat as possible to avoid wobbly fishing, and to take better care of your back and your body in general. Indeed, fishing with your seat level is essential, and important for your back. When you remain seated throughout the fishing trip, with repetitive movements, holding the rods, your body and all your muscles are put to the test. Several hours, or even days, of fishing with a deficient set-up is not conducive to success.
Gaining in efficiency
The pontoon is an accessory that allows you to be more comfortable and therefore more efficient. It also makes it possible to sit at the water's edge in slightly less accessible, sloping places. You can choose the length of your feet. Often, on sloping banks, two smaller feet are added at the rear. Or, on four identical feet, you can adjust the foot extension.
What's more, a pontoon allows you to get a little further out into the water, which is not insignificant in certain situations. For example, to get more headroom to fish further out, especially with a long pole. Or to be able to position and submerge your tackle correctly with enough water.
During competitions, the pontoon allows you to line up with your neighbors, thus avoiding setbacks.
It's a shame to miss out. Its cost of around a hundred euros is well justified. The investment in a pontoon is for the very long term, and your installation will be done in complete safety, so that all you can think about is fishing.