Changes in the new Stella FK 2022 compared to the old Stella FJ

The new Stella FK from Shimano © Shimano

The Stella FK reveals some nice promises. More powerful, better thread storage, better brake, anti-tangle system, let's take a closer look at what's behind these technical promises.

Shimano has announced the Stella FK for April 2022 in small sizes. The announcement of a new Stella is always an event.

This flagship product of Japanese manufacturer Shimano unveils new futuristic technologies every time. Fluidity, power, mechanism and technical developments, let's see in detail the advantages of the Stella FK 2022 compared to the previous generation Stella FJ 2018.

Le Stella FK sort en 2022 avec de nombreux avantages : puissance, fluidité, capacité à lancer loin !
The Stella FK will be released in 2022 with many advantages: power, fluidity, ability to throw far!

Doubled mechanism life: a drive wheel with an optimal contact surface

L'ensemble de l'engrenage est revu
The whole gearing is reviewed
La surface de contact des dents est améliorée
The contact surface of the teeth is improved

The technology called Infinity Xross optimizes the design of the drive wheel. The drive wheel is cold forged and the gear teeth are curved to maximize the contact area between the drive wheel and the crank drive pinion. This improves the smoothness of rotation as well as the torque. Shimano claims a doubled life of the mechanism thanks to this technology.

Improved throwing distances: ultra slow oscillation and parallel winding

L'enroulement à spires parallèles grâce à l'oscillation ultra-lente. La signature Shimano.
Parallel winding with ultra-slow oscillation. The Shimano signature.
L'ensemble du mécanisme Infinity Loop permet une oscillation plus lente et précise que jamais.
The entire Infinity Loop mechanism allows for a slower and more precise oscillation than ever before.

The technology Infinity Loop allows for an extremely smooth oscillation of the coil, which rises and falls more slowly than ever. The smooth spinning feel is the most accomplished in Stella history. Most importantly, this allows for a parallel line wrap that reduces line friction on casting to optimize line output and improve distances.

L'Infinity Loop booste les distances de lancer
Infinity Loop boosts casting distances

The slow oscillation is Shimano's signature feature which is confirmed here and which creates the major difference with the Exist LT 2022 from Daiwa.

More power and torque: reinforced axle and drive pinion

La technologie Infinity Drive offre plus de puissance de récupération
Infinity Drive technology offers more recovery power

The technology Infinity Drive provides improved retrieval power due to the larger spindle drive gear and the reinforced spindle itself. The axle is securely held and guided by the wider sprocket with a special surface treatment. It offers clearly improved retrieval power compared to the 2018 Stella.

In addition, the pinion is replaced by a special low-friction bushing that significantly reduces shaft friction for unique smoothness of rotation.

Less wigs: anti-tangle system on the wire guide

L'ailette Anti TwistFin est ici en bleu sous le galet de pick-up
The Anti TwistFin fin is shown here in blue under the pickup roller
L'ailette Anti TwistFin, ici en rouge, empêche la tresse de se détendre
The Anti TwistFin fin, shown here in red, prevents the braid from relaxing

Shimano has created an anti-tangle fin called Anti Twist Fin which hugs the pickup spool to hold the braid in place when releasing the line. For example, when you're walking the dog on a surface lure, the braid won't slacken on the spool and the spool will stay parallel. In addition, loops and twists are eliminated by this fin during retrieve. Wigs are then greatly limited!

Much more powerful brake: carbon discs with complex mesh

Le large bouton de frein du Stella FK
The large brake button of the Stella FK
Les disques carbone à maillage complexe offre un frein plus résistant
The carbon discs with complex mesh offer a more resistant brake
Le maillage complexe orthogonal des disques de frein du Stella FK
The complex orthogonal mesh of the Stella FK brake discs

The brake discs of the Stella FK are made of carbon woven with a complex orthogonal mesh. This carbon technology, called Duracross, allows for 10 times the wear resistance of the old 2018 Stella while maintaining the level of progressiveness of the drag. This will be useful for all fishing, especially when stalking powerful fish.

Le bouton de frein du Stella FK 2022 est ergonomique et limite les risques de boucles hors de la bobine.
The brake button on the Stella FK 2022 is ergonomically designed to limit the risk of loops coming off the spool.

The brake button on the Stella FK 2022 is ergonomically designed to limit the risk of loops coming off the spool. Sometimes the thread gets wrapped over the bobbin on the brake button. This is eliminated by the ergonomic, curved knob shape, which ends flush with the lip of the bobbin.

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