Catalina rig for bluefin tuna fishing: simple and effective!

Bait fishing may seem rudimentary, but there are a number of subtleties involved in making it totally effective. For example, the way in which you bait your livebait is crucial to keeping it alive, presenting it well and enabling effective hooking. Here are the various stages involved in creating a Catalina rig.

Being in the right place at the right time is the key to successful fishing. However, whether you're fishing with lures or baits, the presentation of the latter is the determining factor in triggering bites and successfully hooking the fish you're after.

The Catalina assembly

So, when fishing for bluefin tuna, it's important to hook your livebait correctly, for several reasons:

  • Keep him alive as long as possible.
  • Release the hook to allow effective striking.
  • Don't injure the fish unnecessarily and release it if it fails.

While it's perfectly possible to sink the hook directly into the fish at the nose or back, to meet the constraints described above, the Catalina or hair rig is particularly suitable. Here's how to do it:

Step 1

To make your hair, you need to make a loop of about 7 to 10 cm with relatively thick braid (about 30/100) and a loach needle.

Pass your loop through the hook of the needle.

Step 2

Once you've threaded the loop through your needle, insert it through your pet's nostrils to avoid injuring it.

Step 3

Once the loop has passed through the nostrils, slide your hook into the two parts on either side of the live wire.

Step 4

Simply wrap the braid loop around itself to reduce its length and, above all, to prevent the hook from sticking out.

Step 5

Finally, pass the tip of your hook back through the small loop on the nostril side of the fish.

Step 6

Your livebait is now perfectly baited. The hook is free and your fish is unharmed, so it can swim freely and be released in good health if necessary.

The market solution

There are also hooks on the market already fitted with a loop so you can do the same thing.

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