Weekly material / The keys to deciphering the Edge Rods range and choosing the right rod

Each brand of fishing rod has its own name, and it's not always easy at first glance to understand and identify the reference that corresponds to your needs. Here, then, is a description of the Edge Rods range, a newcomer to the market!

The Edge rods range comprises 139 different models for spinning, casting or fly fishing. To find the model that's right for you, it's important to understand the name and, above all, to refer to the descriptions of the different rods, which specify the target, lures and techniques that can be used.

La gamme Edge Rods comprend plus d'une centaine de modèles permettant de couvrir toutes les pêches dans tous les milieux.
The Edge Rods range includes over a hundred models to cover all types of fishing in all environments.

NFC blanks

First of all, the Edge Rods brand is simply a series of rods developed on the basis of North Fork Composite blanks designed by Gary Loomis. Thus, the names of the various models are based on the reference of the blank fitted.

Understanding naming

Each cane has a name broken down into 4 parts corresponding to :

  • Handle type, series and ring assembly (spinning or casting)
  • Technique for which the blank was designed
  • Length (in feet and inches) and power
  • Number of strands

For example, the BWS MBR 733-1 model is to be understood as the Black Widow Spinning (BWS) series, designed on the basis of an MB blank (MBR, R for Rod), measuring 7 feet 3 inches, i.e. 2m21 for a series 3 power (in this case 15-40 g for this model) and in one piece, i.e. single-stranded.

Chaque gamme possède un look bien spécifique et identifiable.
Each range has its own distinctive look.

MB and SJ 2 essential references

At NFC, we have a very large number of blank references that correspond to the technology for which they were developed.

These include two particularly versatile models for the most common uses in marine and freshwater environments: the MB and SJ series.

  • MB blanks for "Mag Bass" are designed for black-bass and rubber jig fishing in the cover. These rods have a marked tip action and a hard point, as they are designed to pull in strong iron hooks and extract fish from congested areas.
  • SJ blanks for "Spin Jig" are models with a tip action, but with a more playful tip for added versatility.
En mer pour le bar, les séries SJ et MB sont des incontournables
For sea bass, the SJ and MB series are a must

Sea series

Among the various ranges designed, some have been conceived for uses and techniques specific to the marine environment. Edge Rods offers 4 very specific series:

  • The SLJ series is designed for slow jigging. For comfort and efficiency, these rods are short and have a particularly progressive action.
  • The HL range of rods is designed for both grazing and trolling. Ranging in power from 20 to 80lbs, they are available for spinning and trolling.
  • The ISR series, which stands for "Inshore", has been developed for shore fishing for sea bass. These models are based on Spin Jig blanks with a focus on versatility.
  • Finally, the SUR range is reserved for surfcasting, i.e. fishing from the shore using bait.
En eau douce, vous trouverez des gammes conçus pour des techniques spécifiques et des pêches bien précises comme celles des salmonidés.
In freshwater, you'll find ranges designed for specific techniques and very precise fisheries such as salmonids.

Freshwater series

At the same time, other series have been developed to meet freshwater needs and techniques. There are 8 of them:

  • The rods in the FLIP series are designed for flipping fishing and are often long enough for precise casting. They are powerful, as they respond to the need to extract fish from crowded areas.
  • The DS range has been designed specifically for the Drop Shot technique, which requires very strong tip actions (X fast), but also a very playful and sensitive tip, as it consists of animating a small lure in a minimalist way.
  • The SWB range is a series of rods designed for use with swimbaits and are therefore long and powerful enough to propel large lures.
  • The CB series has been designed for crankbaits. These rods are soft to dampen vibrations and provide comfort for the angler.
  • For trout and salmon, you'll find two specific series. First of all, the HS range, reserved for salmonid anglers with large-lip hard lures.
  • Then there's the ST series, which stands for "Steelhead", the nickname for large American trout. Once again, models designed for specific fisheries.
  • More versatile, the FW series for "freshwater" offers lightweight rods designed for fishing with small swimming fish or with spinning or undulating spoons.
  • Finally, the P range for "Pitching". As with Flipping, these rods are long and powerful for short, accurate casts in crowded places.
Sur les fiches produits, vous retrouverez les caractéristiques de chaque canne mais surtout l'usage auquel elle se destine.
On the product sheets, you'll find the characteristics of each rod, but above all its intended use.

Product sheet

If a good technician is able to understand the characteristics of a rod through the technique for which it was designed, let's face it, it's not that easy. All the more so as each rod can be diverted from its initial use to meet other needs.

On the Edge rods website, rods are not classified by reference, but according to a logic common to all anglers, i.e. first and foremost their environment or their form of practice, in short their universe!

So, the first thing to do to find the right model is to choose between "sea fishing", "freshwater fishing" or "fly fishing".

The rods are then classified according to the type of fish for which they are intended

Finally, you'll be able to access the different models matching your search. By clicking on the product sheet, you'll discover its characteristics (immediate translation in terms of action, length and power of its name), but also the lures and techniques for which they are perfectly suited.

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