Some basic principles of black bass lure fishing

© Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

Originally from the United States, the black bass is a very playful fish to fish with a lure. Found throughout the southern half of France, it's a fish that allows beginners to discover new sensations.

An atypical fish

Black bass behave very differently from our freshwater predators. It is a fish that greatly appreciates hot weather and can thrive in water temperatures in excess of 30 degrees Celsius. An opportunistic hunter, black bass feed on insects, aquatic invertebrates and small fish. In summer, it can often be found skirting the edges or under foliage, waiting for easy prey to drop into the water. A curious fish, it will approach anything it sees moving in the water. Its large mouth enables it to suck up most of the living creatures it comes across and send them to the bottom of its gullet. Short but stocky, it is also a powerful fish, able to perform splendid stunts by propelling its body out of the water.

Une grande bouche pour le black-bass
A large mouth for black bass

Searching for black bass

In summer, black bass are undoubtedly the most entertaining fish to catch. Their adventurous behaviour makes them easy to spot along the water's edge. Equipped with polarized glasses, you can set off in search of these fish. Sight fishing is not always easy, but it's a good way to learn how to animate your lure according to the reaction of the fish.

Sensations assurées
Sensations guaranteed

You'll quickly learn not to strike too early, or all the fish will escape. Sight fishing is generally done with weightless soft lures, which you drop at less than two metres from the fish so that it can see it and come and grab it. Surface lures also provide a superb sensation, as black bass love them and the attacks are often magnificent.

The perfect learning fish

Un poisson facile à manipuler
A fish that's easy to handle

Start fishing with black bass and you'll make rapid progress. As a fish with good eyesight, it will teach you to remain discreet at the water's edge. Black bass fights are often aerial, perfect for learning how to manage a fight and position your rod so as not to unhook the fish.

Black bass has no dangerous teeth, so you can handle it easily without risking injury. It's a fish that requires precision when casting, so as not to place the lure too close or too far away. Its aggressive nature will enable you to get the hang of small fish, often present in large numbers and not very shy. Find out more about the most effective techniques for fishing black bass a fun way to learn.

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