The different surface lures for freshwater predators

Surface lures for predator fishing are both fun and effective. Here are the main surface lures to use in freshwater and their different characteristics.

Fishing for predators with surface lures is very interesting in many ways. They are also known as "topwater" lures. In addition to the effectiveness of these lures which move on the surface or just in the film of water, the use of these lures generates enormous sensations and excitement on contact. You never lose sight of the lure, and the attacks put on quite a show! Let's discover the main surface lures and their characteristics.

The popper, a noisy lure

The popper takes its name from the noise it makes when animated by dry licks.

It emits a characteristic pop. This sound is created by the hollow concave head. A bubble rushes under the water and creates a noise. This particular concave face also generates highly visible splashes.

The popper is a lure for prospecting and beating ground, especially on aggressive fish.

Un petit popper gobé par un black-bass
A small popper swallowed by a black bass

Stickbaits and pencils, natural-swimming lures

Stickbaits and pencils take their name from their straight, pisciform shape. They perfectly imitate a fish moving or gliding along the surface. They can be reeled in more or less quickly and paused for longer or shorter periods.

They have a zig-zag swimming action called "walking the dog" which is obtained by regularly giving the reel short taps or "crank strokes".

These are imitative lures that can be launched very far.

Le stickbait imite un petit poisson nageant en surface
Stickbait imitates a small fish swimming on the surface

Shallows cranks

These are crankbaits (crank translates as "to grind") that can be reeled in linearly. They are very simple to use and tend to imitate stocky prey. "Shallow" translates as "shallow", meaning that these cranks swim just below the surface.

They can mimic a micro-insect to target chub, perch or black-bass, or a large fish or amphibian to target pike or catfish.

Les shallow crank possède une petite bavette incliné à quasiment 90° de l'axe du leurre
The shallow crank has a small lip inclined at almost 90° to the axis of the lure

Atypical crawlers

They get their name from their crawl-like swimming action, with the lure's arms entering the water alternately.

These lures are very popular with black bass. They generate a characteristic noise and atypical swimming action. Depending on their size, they can imitate an insect, a cicada, even a bird or a bat!

Un crawler arborant la couleur d'un martin pêcheur!
A crawler in the color of a kingfisher!

Proplers and propbaits, propeller lures

These lures are fitted with a propeller. They are very easy to animate by casting and retrieving at different speeds. They've become all the rage since the many videos of catfish being caught have invaded the web.

These lures are noisy, highly inciting and not very imitative, bringing active predators to the surface.

Les proplers sont très bruyants!
Proplers are very noisy!


Cousins of the spinnerbait, buzzbaits are wirebait lures similar in architecture to spinnerbaits, but fitted with a propeller instead of a paddle.

These noisy lures are ideal for fishing in lily pads, between reeds or in weed beds.

Le buzzbait ressemble au spinnerbait mais se destine aux pêches de surface
The buzzbait is similar to the spinnerbait but is designed for surface fishing

Frogs, all-purpose frog imitations

Frogs are lures that imitate frogs in most cases, but they can also imitate a fish or a mouse! They are real all-round lures for dislodging predators in crowded environments.

Une frog coffré par un gros black-bass
A frog caught by a large black bass

Swimbaits and articulated lures

Swimbaits are articulated lures with a fluid swimming action. They can be large lures, often targeting pike or very large black bass. In the case of surface lures, their density is floating. They have a fluid swimming action and are very imitative to fool large, educated predators.

Joli black-bass capturé sur un swimbait évoluant en surface
Nice black bass caught on a swimbait on the surface

They are particularly effective in shallow areas, where seagrass beds have not yet reached the water's surface.

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