Morgan Calu

Morgan Calu Specialist in lure fishing, international competitor

Morgan Calu is a happy father of two boys. He has been fishing with lures since he was a child without really knowing how it came to him. He grew up in Gironde where his first targets were black bass. Today, he lives in Corsica where he tracks trout and carnivores of the island in fresh water or in the sea.

He loves to share the little things that can make a difference in an angler's approach to fishing. He writes regularly in several fishing magazines.

Morgan is also a competitor on the trout and street fishing circuits in France, organized by the FFPS and is Pro-staff Illex . He has also participated in several world championships "trout lure" and event dates like the Gunki Iron Tournament (Streetfishing), Barouchat's Lake Master (trout in reservoir) and recently at the Salmotrek (trout and hiking).

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