Fishing with bread at sea, a fun technique accessible to all

Fishing with bread © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

Bread fishing is a very simple technique to implement and can be very effective. It is practiced around the harbor areas as well as in rocky coast, all year long.

Target species when fishing with bread

The major advantage of bread fishing is its simplicity. To practice it, all you need is a classic rod and reel set, a small hook and some bread. This technique allows you to catch all the species found on the Mediterranean coast. The most common fish are the saupe and the mullet, present in large quantities and very fond of bread.

When fishing regularly on bread, one quickly learns to avoid sauper and mullet in order to concentrate on more noble species. Wolffish, bream and other sparids also feed on bread, although they are often a little more discreet and especially less aggressive. We can also meet all the species of small rock fish such as goby, sparaillon, veirade and many others.

Les saupes se pêchent très bien au pain, mais d'autres espèces peuvent être ciblées
The sauper are very well caught with bread, but other species can be targeted

Reasoned priming

Fishing with bread requires a baiting before fishing. We generally use a classic baguette that can be found in any bakery. It is important that the bread is fresh, because we will use both the crumb, but also the crust. The crust of the bread is our bait, it is floating and thus allows us to keep it permanently in visual to know if fish eat it.

Remember not to overbait a small area, as fish like sauper and mullet move quickly. Ideally, cast a few pieces on strategic points in a large area. Remember that wind can easily push all your bait out of reach, so plan to fish this fishery in calm weather or out of the wind. Keep the crumb, it will be very useful in fishing action to decide the most wary fish.

Amorcer en amont
Start upstream

Some tips for fishing with bread

If you don't want to bait with fresh bread, you can always bait with dry bread. However, dry bread will not allow you to fish because it will be difficult to hide a hook in it. You can compact a bit of crumb on your hook to make it sink and get under the fish that are feeding on the surface.

Wolffish and dorado are usually waiting 1 to 2 meters below the surface for a few crumbs that might sink. Bread fishing creates a feeding frenzy, so be ready to fish at any time, as the activity may only last a few minutes.

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