Reservoir: Mastering trout fishing with blob and its variants

Blob fishing is formidable when you master all these fishing techniques © Enjoy Fishing / Jean-Baptiste Vidal

Blob fishing comes to us once again from across the Channel and has revolutionized our vision of tank fishing. These particular flies are very efficient.

What is a "blob"?

A "blob" is a round/oval shaped and very colorful fly that looks like an egg, others say it can look like a clump of daphnia. In any case, rainbow trout love them!

This fly, mounted with a dense, short and often two-tone caterpillar, flows smoothly and can be used alone or on a fly train.

A floating version with foam or styrofoam eyes called a bloby is a very exciting variant, and close to a booby.

The "FAB", which stands for "Foam Arse Blob", is another variant of the blob, but this time with a piece of foam cylinder at the bend of the hook (at the butt) which makes it float.

These three types of flies come in all colors, but are often mounted on size 10 and 8 wide-mouth hooks.

Une large sélection de blobs permet de trouver le bon coloris
A large selection of blobs allows to find the right color

In fishing action, what does it look like?

The blob can be used in many ways and on different types of silk.

It is often used as an intermediate line on a fly train or alone (rarely).

The "clothesline" technique is also quite common and allows one or two flies to be supported in a layer of water with different densities of silk. In this case, a bloby or FAB is often used, but can work with a blob.

The third technique is to use it on a train of plunging silk boobies between boobies or in their place.

Fishing with intermediate silk

If the fish are close enough to the surface or between two waters, the use of an intermediate line is recommended. It allows to fish between 0,5 and 2 meters of water.

The blob is not a fly that can be animated quickly like a streamer, animations are often slow, knitting, small pulls or without doing anything if the wind allows your line and therefore your flies to drift.

The blob is often tipped on a train of flies which can be made up of two other flies. It can be two chiros, nymphs, small streamers or "pouic", but also two other blobs or a FAB?

Kévin au prise d'une belle "arc" capturée au bloby
Kévin taking a beautiful "bow" captured with bloby

Clothesline technique

This technique consists in supporting one or two flies between your line and the tip fly, here a blob, bloby or FAB.

The blob will be the one that will support less flies. It will flow smoothly though.

The Bloby and FAB will keep the flies suspended at a certain height in the water layer.

In this case, the sustained flies are often "chiros" or nymphs.

All flies can be taken by trout in this case. The blob, Bloby or FAB also plays an attractive role.

It can be used as a floating line to fish under the surface and keep your chiros a few centimeters under the water film. It can also be used as an intermediate line (slow or fast) or even as a diving line (S3 in particular) if the fish are moving deeper.

It is common to animate in very small strokes or in knitting. The hits are often quite violent, but can be discreet. It is therefore important to keep a certain tension in the leader and the line while keeping the rod a little slanted especially at the end of the drift, to avoid breakage.

Diving silk fishing

On a diving line (S5 to S7), when the trout are at or near the bottom, the blob can be inserted between two boobies, or under a single booby.

Blobies can be used just like boobies. They are denser and "push" more water. Sometimes trout prefer them.

FABs can also be used in the same conditions as a booby, but are often placed in a gallows under a booby because their buoyancy is slightly lower than a booby or blobby.

My favorite colors:

Pink/yellow fluorescent, orange fluorescent/yellow, coral, but many colors work. Most of them are two-tone to have a contrast, but it is possible to mount them in three-tone.

Coloris préférés de l'auteur
Author's favorite colors

More complementary flies that will be added to the fly fisherman's panoply in reservoir. These techniques described are very effective and allow to find the fishing of the moment.

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