The redmouth goby, a frequent fish in the Mediterranean

Red mouth goby © Laurent Duclos

The redmouth goby is a very present fish on the Mediterranean shores from the first meters. It is easily identifiable and remains a common catch for rockfishing enthusiasts.

Presentation of the redmouth goby

Its scientific name is gobius cruentatus, it can also be called bloody goby. As its name indicates it is different from other species of gobies by its atypical red mouth. A mouth thus decorated with beautiful prominent lips of a sharp red.

Its body more or less red and brown has many white and black spots. On the top of its dorsal fins, one can observe a white or light blue border. It is a goby which can exceed the size of 15 centimeters.

Un gobie atypique
An atypical goby

Habitat and behavior

The redmouth goby is present on the Mediterranean coasts from the first meters to about thirty meters deep. It frequents most of the biotopes, rocky and sandy-muddy zones, as long as it has a place to hide.

Indeed, the redmouth goby spends most of the time in its cache which it leaves only to feed. Its food is essentially composed of invertebrates and small crustaceans. Omnivorous fish, it can also feed on fragments of algae and small fish.

A shy fish, the redmouth goby is a solitary fish that tends to defend its territory. Its reproduction takes place in late spring and early summer.

Fishing for redmouth goby

Un montage simple et efficace
A simple and efficient assembly

The redmouth goby is a species often sought after by rockfishing enthusiasts because of its unusual coloration and its photogenic side.

It can be fished with small soft lures or worms mounted on a lead head or a simple hook with a buckshot sinker above. To find a redmouth goby, minimal animation near the bottom near potential cover is required.

A species which can also be invited during fishing sessions by landing or surfcasting depending on the size of the baits and the setups used.

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