Casting at sea offers many advantages

Casting © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

As is often the case with the arrival of new lure fishing techniques or practices, sea casting comes to us straight from Japan, a country where both black bass and mebarus are fished with casters. Let's try to understand why and how to adapt the casting technique, which has proved its worth in freshwater, to our favorite playground, saltwater.

Casting/Spinning the differences

A spinning outfit consists of a reel with a fixed spool and a rod with the guides on the underside. Spinning remains the most popular form of fishing on our coasts.

Atteindre avec précision une cible
Hitting a target with precision

A casting set consists of a spinning reel fixed above the rod, the latter having the rings fixed on top. The casting reel is operated by a highly responsive trigger. A casting reel is equipped with two separate brakes, a star brake which serves as a fighting brake and a magnetic brake which is used to slow down the spool when casting to avoid making wigs.

Toujours le contrôle avec un seul doigt
Control with just one finger

Undeniable advantages for casting

In addition to curiosity, there are other benefits to be gained from taking up a new technique. Let's take a look at the main advantages of casting.

  • Casting allows you to control casting distances, so you can choose to stop your lure with a simple press of the thumb, for undeniable fishing comfort. How many times have you cast too far from a short-lived hunt? Once you've got the hang of your equipment, you'll gain in efficiency and speed, everything we lack when tackling discreet or too-succinct hunts.
  • Casting allows you to control the placement of the lure and therefore gain in discretion, an asset when the water is clear or on educated fish. Casting also enhances casting accuracy, whether you're pitching under the rod (casting under the rod with a rocking motion for greater accuracy and discretion) or skipping to place the lure close to a hull, pontoon or shallow water (ricocheting the lure to reach a spot that's difficult to fish with a normal casting technique). Another way to explore crowded spots while combining precision and discretion.
  • When you spend hours animating stickbaits, another advantage of casting is that it reduces fatigue, as the casting reel is more ergonomic and the weight is better distributed since the reel is closer to the blank than on a spinning reel. Fishing comfort is clearly superior.
  • Casting rods are generally shorter than spinning rods for the same power-to-weight ratio, a feature to be taken into account when fishing from a small boat, kayak or float tube.
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