Discover the muskellunge, the XXL version of the Canadian pike!

© Likid Fishing

The muskellunge, often called in France by its English name "Musky", is an iconic species for pike fishermen because of its resemblance to the latter and the large size it can reach.


The muskellunge is a fish very similar to the pike, both in morphology and behavior. It belongs to the same family of the genus Esox, but can reach sizes larger than those of the pike, up to 150 centimeters. Physically, the two species are very similar, one of the major differences are the tips of the caudal, pointed for the muskellunge and round for the pike. Another difference is the coat of the fish; that of the muskellunge is zebra, while that of the pike is spotted. Finally, in environments where both species are present, a hybrid called "tiger musky" can be found.

Différence entre brochet et maskinongé, source IGFA
Difference between pike and muskellunge, source IGFA.


Muskellunge frequent the same areas as pike; they are often found on edges and shallow areas, preferably with vegetation. In summer, when the water is warm, it will take refuge in depth. However, it is more demanding in terms of water quality and oxygen content. Its distribution is therefore less extensive than that of the pike and it can be found in rivers with moderate currents, rivers as well as in certain lakes.


Its behavior is very similar to that of the pike; solitary, it will hunt by hiding in the vegetation or near obstacles.

Maskinongé capturé sur une bordure d'herbiers.
Maskinongé caught on a seagrass border.


Muskellunge reproduction is also very similar to that of pike. A large female is accompanied by one or two smaller males. The eggs are deposited on the vegetation in shallow areas, however, reproduction is later than that of the pike, it takes place between late April and early June. This is why the opening of the fishing of this species takes place in mid-June.

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