I have tested... / Gan Craft Jointed Claw Ratchet 184, effective at any speed!

The new Ratchet 184 is a pleasant surprise. © likid fishing

The Jointed Claw Ratchet 184 is distinguished by its three-section design and plastic joint, offering an amplified S-shaped swimming action at low speeds. With its stockier shape than the original Jointed Claw, it brings something new to this iconic lure.

Jointed Claw Ratchet 184

One of the most striking features of the Ratchet 184 is that the joint between the second and third sections is made of plastic, rather than metal rings as on most hard swimbaits.
Une des articulations est en plastique.
One of the joints is made of plastic.
This plastic joint makes for smoother movement, and reduces the noise of clashing sections.
As for the durability of this joint, only further use of the lure will confirm whether or not it is durable and protected from pike teeth, UV rays and other aggressions, a matter to be followed...
The third and final section ends with a plastic tail, but unfortunately, even at ?132, there isn't even a spare one on offer, so you'll have to console yourself with: a clip...
Une queue de rechange aurait été appréciée.
A spare tail would have been appreciated.
Speaking of joints, if we go back to the first one, the metal one, we see that on the second section of the lure there's a vertical step on each side.
Une marche déstabilise la nage du leurre.
A step destabilizes the lure's swimming action.
This feature, called "constriction to the main joint" by Gan Craft, gives more amplitude to the joint and amplifies the S stroke, especially at slow speeds.
This gives the lure a glide-bait-like action, even though it's made up of three sections rather than two. At high speeds, this step is not systematically used and the lure has a more random, tightly packed swimming action.
To sum up what these different characteristics mean underwater, at slow speeds, the Ratchet 184's stroke describes a wide S shape. The faster the speed, the tighter the stroke. It's at ease even in current, which is a very good point!
In terms of morphology, this lure has a taller shape than the jointed claw and is also stockier. Although the elongated shape of the traditional jointed claw works very well, offering a larger lure may be the solution in certain environments, depending on fish feeding habits.
La forme est bonne !
Good shape!

The design too, in three sections, emits different vibrations, which can be more interesting when the waters are tinted or in the dark. Whereas the traditional jointed claw plays mainly on the visual, this Ratchet 184 plays both, vibration and visual.

The lure is sold armed with two treble hooks, which I have replaced with a single in size 3/0 at the front and 2/0 at the rear.


Originally designed for black bass fishing, the Ratchet 184 is very good for pike fishing in shallow areas. The lure floats and swims below the surface. It's possible to add a lead clip, but whether it's placed on the head ring or on the first hook ring, it slightly impedes the lure's swimming action. The Ratchet 184 is therefore best reserved for fishing edges and shallows, without the use of additional weights.
Its ability to change swims, just by changing the retrieve speed, allows you to alternate pause, slow retrieve and fast retrieve, to find what best suits the mood of the day of the pike or black-bass, and make the following fish react.

My opinion

With its more voluminous shape, good swimming action and 70-gram weight, the Ratchet 184 is an interesting lure, as it represents good prey, while being usable with fairly light equipment, such as 10-80 grams.
For the time being, even though it has 12 colors in its catalog, they are fairly similar to each other and are only moderately suitable for use in European freshwater fishing.
Quelques couleurs sont sympa.
Some colors are nice.
We can only hope that this lure will be available in colors such as fire tiger, roach or chartreuse in the years to come.
Anyway, there are already a few interesting colors, like the 01, the 04, the piranha or even the 02. As mentioned above, my main concern is the lifespan of this lure and its plastic joint, but other than that, it's all up for grabs!

Jointed Claw Ratchet 184

  • Brand: Gan Craft
  • Length: 18.4 centimetres
  • Weight: 70 grams
  • Type: Hard swimbait
  • Density: Floating
  • Swimming depth: 20 centimetres
  • Price: ?132
  • Distributor France : Ultimate Fishing
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