Your pike record for the opening, the best ways to achieve it

Attempt to beat your pike record © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

The pike opening is approaching and our minds are already starting to dream of a great catch. Here are a few things to consider before diving in, to increase your chances of hitting your record.

Fishing the right body of water

Although it may seem obvious, choosing a body of water with large fish is essential if you want to target a record right from the start. A good population of big fish is often a sign of a healthy body of water, with sufficient food to feed all predators. However, it's also important to choose wisely from among water bodies containing large fish, since the opening is a special season.

Late April and early May are periods when fish emerge from spawning, which began around February or March, depending on water temperature. As the majority of metered fish are females, they can still be found near their spawning grounds, the edges with spawning supports. So choose a body of water where shallow, grassy edges are easy to find, rather than a steep, rocky reservoir.

Sélectionner les bonnes zones
Selecting the right zones

Using the right lures

As soon as they open, northern pike feed abundantly to regain their weight and strength after a few weeks of fasting. The majority of fish are found in less than 3 meters of water, posted in the heart or on the edge of a large herbarium. Their diet includes a wide range of items, including pike from the previous year, but also and above all white fish, which join the weed beds to reproduce.

At this time of year, it's important to be as imitative as possible to match what the pike see. Larger fish feed on larger quantities, rather than larger prey which can be more difficult to catch. You can also choose to imitate wounded whitefish, which pike frequently come across after a fellow fish has missed its attack.

L'ouverture du brochet, une belle occasion de partager
The opening of the pike, a great opportunity to share

Outwit other anglers

Finding a northern pike at the opening requires you to choose your fishing method wisely. It's important to understand that periods of activity can be short, especially when the water is still fresh. It is therefore more interesting to find a suitable area than to comb the whole lake desperately. If you do manage to find a nice area of weedbeds at the right depth, don't take your power fishing lures to comb it before quickly moving on to another area.

Take the time to stress that big fish activity can be triggered at any time of day. A gust of wind, a few clouds or a shoal of white fish passing over the weedbeds are all triggers that should not be missed. To hook a northern pike on the opening day, the key word is patience, especially if you know the water's potential.

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