I have tested... / Phantom Spider, a lure that gives black bass the shivers!

The Phantom Spider is unique! © Likid Fishing

The Phantom Spider, with its allure of an object from the joke shop, is indeed a fishing lure! Let's take a look at what this spidery-looking lure has to offer, especially for black-bass anglers.

Phantom Spider

The Phantom Spider is constructed in the same way as a number of commercially available frogs. It has a very flexible, buoyant, empty body which collapses when a fish attacks, to release the two points of the hook placed behind it.
L'hameçon est protégé.
The hook is protected.
Thanks to its hidden hook, you can explore lying trees, lily pads, or any other area difficult to explore with retrievable lures.
As a result, this spider can be worked in the same way as a frog. The lure doesn't swim, so to animate it you simply cast it, let it float on the surface and shake the rod tip to create vibrations.
However, it floats lower than a frog, and stays below the surface. Only part of the abdomen protrudes above the surface.
It's sensitive to the addition of weight, so it's best to tie it in a knot, and not use a staple.
Its main interest is therefore to cast it at a precise spot and make it work on the spot. It's not the ideal lure for prospecting, but it can make all the difference when fishing for identified fish that are complicated to lure, especially as it works on the spot and you can insist for a long, long time on a position until you get a hit.
On croirait une vraie araignée !
It looks like a real spider!


The Phantom Spider was designed for black bass fishing in the USA. In France, this is also the lure's primary target, and there's every reason for it to work just as well, especially in wooded areas.
Even though it comes in two sizes, 5 and 6.25 centimetres, it seems far too big to attempt chub fishing with, so it's intended for black-bass fishing, with no real versatility for other species.

My opinion

After the excitement of unwrapping this unusual lure, which will send shivers down the spines of arachnophobes, it has to be said that once you've got it in the water, the Phantom Spider plays more on its funny, atypical appearance than on its swimming performance.
Whatever the case, Lunkerhunt has the merit of offering a lure with an original shape, which will amuse the angler, while allowing him to catch fish!

Phantom Spider

Brand: Lunkerhunt
Length: 5 or 6.25 centimetres
Weight: 7 or 14 grams
Density: Floating
Price: ?17
Distributor France : Allbaits France
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