The tattooed emperor, round fish with big eyes for deep-sea fishing

Tattooed Emperor © Guillaume Fourrier

Tattooed emperor, white captain, white hunchback, big-eyed snapper - these are just some of the names given to this fish. A fish of the Lethrinidae family to be found on longlines in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Scientific name

Gymnocranius grandoculis (Valenciennes, 1830)


The tattooed emperor is a fish of the Lethrinidae family. It has a tall, round body and characteristic large eyes set high on its head. Its head has a slightly sloping top, and adults have a bony crest on the nape of the neck. It has a dorsal fin with 10 spines and 10 soft rays, all joined together.

La nageoire dorsale est en une partie
The dorsal fin is in one part

It has an anal fin with 2 spines and 10 soft rays. The teeth in the jaw are conical at the front and curved at the sides. The caudal fin is moderately forked with pointed lobes. Overall color is golden-brown to yellowish with wavy blue lines and spots on the head. The fins are orange-yellow, and the caudal fin has an orange border. Some individuals have dark diagonal bars on the body.

Tattooed Emperor fishing grounds

The tattooed emperor is found in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It can be found from the southern Red Sea to South Africa across the Indian Ocean, although it is absent from the Persian Gulf, to the Pacific Ocean where it is found north of Japan and east of the Tuamotus, and south of Australia. In Australia, it can be found from Yanchep in the southwest, along the northern coast to Townsville in Queensland, as well as on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Ashmore and Cartier reefs in the Timor Sea.

It is found on mud or soft sand substrates, as well as on rocky substrates in deep water at depths of 20 to 170 m, but commonly between 50 and 100 m, in waters between 22 and 28°C.

Fishing techniques

The tattooed emperor, also known as the tattooed captain, is fished mainly by longline. Choose a two-stack rig with a piece of diced oily fish.

Ce poisson de fond se prend à la palangrotte
This groundfish is caught on a longline

It feeds mainly on the bottom. The proximity of rocks helps to find it.


The tattooed emperor breeds from October to February (lack of scientific data, approximate period) from a length of around 35 cm.

Size and weight

  • Legal minimum catch size: none
  • Size at sexual maturity: from 35 cm
  • Average size: 50 cm
  • Maximum size/weight: 80 cm âeuros 6 kg
  • World record: 5.5 kg âeuros 67 cm (Amami-Åshima, îles Amami, Japan, 05/28/2000)

Good to know

The tattooed emperor is solitary and sometimes in small groups. The presence of longlines should be noted for your future fishing for this species, which is much sought-after by professionals.

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