Skipjack tuna, also known as skipjack or skipjack tuna

© Guillaume Fourrier

Skipjack is one of the most professionally caught fish in the world. This popular fish is a little bomb at the end of the line. Fun guaranteed!

Scientific name

Katsuwonus pelamis (Linné, 1758)


Skipjack are characterized by an oval, laterally compressed fusiform body, accompanied by a tapered head. Commonly referred to as skipjack or listao hors hexagone, these bonitos sport an extended dorsal fin, supported by 14 to 16 spines, almost fused to the second dorsal fin.

Le listao est couramment pêché à Madagascar
Skipjack is commonly caught in Madagascar

Their backs are a uniform shade of dark purplish blue, while the flanks and belly are a pearly white with 4 to 6 dark longitudinal stripes.

Fishing grounds for skipjack tuna

These fish live in schools offshore, near the surface or in open water. They can be observed in open water or in association with floating objects (a piece of wood, for example). They can be found in France, with astonishing passages over Brittany in autumn 2023, and in all waters of the world above 15 °C, temperate and tropical .

Fishing techniques

Skipjack is frequently targeted by two types of lures: jet whistlers with a skirt and deep-diving bib lures. Trolling is particularly popular on exotic fishing expeditions. In France, it's arriving more and more on our Atlantic coasts, as shown by the fishing carried out in autumn 2023 in Brittany, and even as far away as Normandy! They respond well to small, shiny jigs weighing between 30 and 40 grams. When these bonitos hunt close to the surface, a swimming fish is also very effective, if possible fairly dense and 8 to 9 cm in size.

Le jet siffleur est un petit leurre courant pour viser cette bonite
The jet whistler is a common small lure for targeting this bonito

Schools of skipjack sometimes attract large predators such as jacks, tunas, kingfish and sharks. Skipjack is also used as bait for big fish (in pieces or alive). During the hunt, the skipjack is literally focused on its prey. Use of a lure of similar size and color to the prey is essential to avoid missing out completely.


Skipjack tuna reach sexual maturity at 1.5 years of age. The female is 41-42 cm and the male 42-43 cm. Reproduction takes place all year round, but is most intense from November to March and from June to August.

Cette bonite peut atteindre 1 mètre de longueur !
This bonito can grow up to 1 metre long!

Size and weight

  • Minimum legal catch size: 35 cm (FAO COPEMED project, March 2002)
  • Size at sexual maturity: 41 to 43 cm (fork length)
  • Average size: 45 to 55 cm
  • Maximum size/weight: 1 m (25 kg)
  • World record: 99 cm (21 kg, La Gomera, Spain, 11-15-2020)

Good to know

Trolling for skipjack requires perseverance. It's not uncommon for an hour to pass without a single hit, and then suddenly all the rods start bending.

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