Return of session / Successfully complete a very short trip in search of sea bass in North Cotentin

An end-of-season bar taken in North Cotentin © Benjamin Le Provost

Let's take advantage of a weather window and the great activity of the bars at the moment in North Cotentin to try our luck. That's what I did last week, with very little time to spare. We had to make the right choices right from the start to optimize the outing. Let's find out if the result lived up to expectations!

An express exit

3 hours ahead of me and the desire to make the most of this very short window of opportunity that the month of December has to offer.

The coefficient is good, close to 75. So is the time of the tide, we're an hour after high tide. The current is starting to set in. That's all it takes to motivate me to take the boat out and try a quick trip to an area that's normally home to some nice sea bass at this time of year.

An area highly exposed to currents

Despite the not-so-high coefficient, this area of north Cotentin is very exposed to the current. Drift speed soon reached four knots.

Cette zone est située en plein courant. Le tombant est bien visible à droite de la tête de roche
This area is located in full current. The drop-off is clearly visible to the right of the rock head

In such conditions, the fish are rarely out in the open, but in the shelter of large rock heads. From this spot, they scan everything that is swept into the current vein and stand ready to emerge from the shelter to grab it. We'll have to adapt our technique and equipment to suit.

A mastered technique

In this type of area, which is a rock head rising to 5 meters below the surface before plunging to 15/20 meters, the fish are stuck to the rock for shelter from the current.

The technique consists in waiting until you can see the top of the rock head to cast your lure upstream and try as far as possible to get close to the bottom without hooking. If you cast too early upstream, hooking in the head will be almost inevitable.

Si tout est bien réussi, les poissons ne sont pas longs à réagir !
If everything is just right, it won't take long for the fish to react!

The right choice of lure!

Here, more than anywhere else, the right choice of lure is crucial. If the lure is too light, it will pass too high up in the current. The fish, stuck to the bottom, won't see it. On the other hand, a lure that's too lead-laden will cause numerous hook-ups.

On this spot, you're only allowed one cast per drift as the speed is so high. Personally, I use lead heads weighing from 40 to 60 grams, depending on the lure model. Given the frenzy, they're not very fussy about the choice of lure.

Le Crazy Sand Eel est un incontournable que les bars affectionne tout particulièrement.
Crazy Sand Eel is a bar favorite.

Shad size 12 to 15 cm, or Slug type lure, the result is the same!

Même si la réglementation l'autorise, à partir de décembre, je ne conserve plus aucun bar.
Even if the regulations allow it, from December onwards, I won't be keeping any sea bass.

If the lure passes well, the bite is immediate! My personal selection includes Black Minnow 140 mm and Nitro Shad 150 mm from Illex, as well as Crazy Sand Eel 220 mm from Fiiish.

As far as the rods used are concerned, we rely on our usual equipment, namely Blanks North Fork Composites distributed by Rodhouse and assembled in-house. For my part, NFC MB 807 HM and NFC MB 739 IM. From blanks power 15/ 50 grams and 20/ 60 grams, adapted to the use of heavily leaded lures.

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