Interview / Tony's pike-perch rod selection from Zander pro

If knowing the spots is an obvious prerequisite, having the right tool will help you fish efficiently and multiply your catches. When it comes to pike-perch fishing, we turned to a specialist, Tony from Zander Pro, to find out what your rod needs for the different techniques used to track this fish and the equipment he uses.

Tony, would you please present the ideal rod for linear pike-perch fishing?

Tony : In linear fishing, you need a rod that's tactile and highly sensitive to detect the bottom and structures perfectly, as well as to locate the lure's height of movement. In addition, you need to be able to detect all the bites, which can be very brutal but can also be subtle. And when the strokes are violent, the best thing is to feel the whole stroke. I fish pike-perch for their bite, for the violence when they sometimes rip the rod out of your hand. At Val De Cagna, they really are savages! (Laughs). So I opt for a strong tip action and a high-modulus blank!

What's important is to have the right length, both from the boat and from the shore, for the best possible presentation and to be able to get your lure over the structure. Having the right angle and presentation is decisive for success in this type of fishing. From the shore, length also allows you to cast farther and reach more spots. So, 2m10 to 2m20 in a boat and 2m40 to 2m50 from shore are good choices!

Pour la pêche du bord, la longueur est un critère important !
For shore fishing, length is an important criterion!

Obviously, you need several different weights depending on the size of the lures you're using, so one 5-25 gram and one 15-50 gram for example.

On the Zander Pro 3, we used the NFC705 HM and the Statement 724 and 766 in boats. Stéphane has fished a lot with the latter reference and for me it's the most versatile blank in the range for line fishing.

On board, the two must-haves are the NFC 805HM and 807MH. But the 766, despite being a little shorter, does the job perfectly! It all depends on the depth and distance of the spots being fished.

Le NFC 805HM est le blank préféré de Tony pour pêcher en linaire du bord.
The NFC 805HM is Tony's favourite blank for shore fishing.

Thank you! What about vertical fishing? Because I know you're a big fan of this kind of fishing!

Tony : In vertical, you need a hypersensitive rod once again to take hits from space! Very fast and short rods of around 1m90! I even recut my 68mx! The ideal size for me is really 1m85-1m90, because it allows me to stay in the sonar cone and there's no need to cast...

I started vertical spinning, but now I only ride casting. I prefer the grip and the hooks require less amplitude, so I find they're more efficient and there are fewer stalls.

Stéphane est quant à lui un grand fan du Statement 766 de Rodbuilder's Républic
Stéphane is a big fan of Rodbuilder's Républic Statement 766

When you want to bring the lure down, just open the trigger. When you're used to it, you can handle everything with one hand. You pull the trigger with your thumb and use your other finger to pull the star-brake up a few centimetres when you see a fish on the echo. It really does make fishing more comfortable and responsive!

For this fishery, I use 4 references, the 664Hm and 665Hm from NFC and the 62mx and 68MX from Rainshadow. The MX range is really crazy and its reputation is well established among vertical anglers.

En verticale, des cannes plus courtes permettent un meilleur ferrage et une présentation optimale du leurre.
For vertical work, shorter rods provide better striking and optimal presentation of the lure.

Finally, what equipment do you need for shark shooting?

Tony : For sharpshooting, you need a rod that's powerful and tactile enough to present fairly large lures, but also with a tip that's supple and responsive enough to reproduce small animations. In other words, a rod with a tip action, but gentle.

And you need a rod with plenty of reserve power, because the whole point of sharpshooting is to catch big fish in open water!

NFC's SSH637 is the reference for this use! It has really been developed and designed for this type of fishing. You can put big lures on it, but even when you catch modest fish, you still get a very pleasant feeling when you touch and fight. On the other hand, you don't have to worry about hitting a big fish. In comparison, with the 62MX for example, as soon as you pass the 80 cm mark, you're immediately less serene!

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