New possibilities
English fishing, like all fishing, involves a lot of technicality. But above all, to approach match fishing, and try this fishing technique, you must do things simply and step by step. The English fishing allows to catch fishes often more beautiful than under the rod, which do not approach the edge and offers the possibility of fishing with the float at long distance.
The equipment to fish with the English way
A rod, usually 3.90 m, a reel type 3000 with 18/100, a float. There is a multitude of combinations of weight of float and also of type of float. Often, we speak about fishing with the fixed or the sliding.

The float must be balanced, just as in match fishing. You must place sinkers along the line in order to see only the tip of the float protruding and thus have a clean and visible touch.

In fishing action
The line is probed with a sliding stop knot.
The baiting, the fun part of this practice, requires however, control, and a certain precision to make a precise fishing stroke.
The groundbait is the same as the one put under the rod, with the possible addition of large particles, corn, cut worms. In order to attract more beautiful fish. So that the balls are all identical and fall in the same place, we use a base that will always be the same. In this case, I use a pot of 1/8.

I transfer to my hand to form the ball, well compacted.

I always keep the same angle and pressure when I throw the balls with the slingshot.
There are several types of slings, with different powers. This will depend on the fishing distance you choose to fish.

Don't forget to mark the line with a marker pen, so you can cast back and return exactly to your fishing distance.
It is best to bait either a little before the float, or on top of it. All you have to do is to set your leader, cast, and follow the flow of your float.