Dams, weirs, priority spots in the river

Along with bridge piers, if there is one spot that cannot be ignored in rivers and canals, it is dams and weirs. However, it is important to understand in which context to exploit them and to check the legislation.

Because they are productive places for almost all species of carnivorous fish, dams are essential spots in the river.

Le sbarrages et déversoirs sont des zones sur la rivière où les courants sont importants. Cela a une influence positive sur la présence des poissons.
Dams and weirs are areas on the river where the currents are strong. This has a positive influence on the presence of fish.

Compliance with the legislation

The laws are often posted at the foot of these structures, but it is important to know that fishing is prohibited 50 meters downstream from the dams.

It is also forbidden to fish from this structure, so you must proceed by boat or from the shore.

Sur ce type de spots, la teneur en oxygène est importante. A la belle saison c'est un spot incontournable.
On this type of spots, the oxygen content is important. During the summer season, it is a spot not to be missed.

The current

The major reason for the success of the dams for fishing and particularly for carnivorous fish is the current that is generated by this structure. This zone, made up of large current veins, but also of counter-currents and dampers is a breaking zone and singular on a river. As such it allows a real concentration of fish and creates a food chain for multiple reasons that here.

Food concentration

First of all, the succession of current veins, riffles and counter-currents allows for an extremely important supply and concentration of food in this area. The organisms drifting in the stream end up being concentrated in the eddies, but also the sediments which are permanently swept and put in suspension by the current.

These spots are often crowded, because they accumulate a large number of debris of imposing sizes and also an area where the bottom is hard, the mud can not stay there.

Tous les carnasiers y résident mais aussi de nombreuses espèces. Vous y trouverez souvent des barbeaux, très friands de craw...
All the carnivorous fishes reside there, but also many species. You will often find barbel, very fond of craw...

Oxygen content

Due to the strong currents that are generated, the water is constantly agitated and mixed with air. This is reflected in the foam that forms and accumulates... The latter allows you to locate the calm zones, so it is important to be observant.

The main effect of this agitation is an aeration of the water and thus an increase of its oxygen content which is a capital element for the survival of fish. It is for this reason that you will find at the foot of the dams species that you will find very difficult to locate elsewhere in the river.

Thermal comfort

The second effect produced by the movement of the water and the permanent currents is the decrease of its temperature. In summer, this allows a better oxygen saturation and especially a thermal comfort for the fish which are cold-blooded animals and therefore have an internal temperature identical to their environment.

Les sauts ont excatement les mêmes effets que les barrages et déversoirs. Il faut aussi y accorder une part de prospection.
Jumps have exactly the same effects as dams and weirs. It is also necessary to give them a part of prospecting.

The right context

Provided the water level on the river is not higher than normal, dams can hold fish almost all season. But they are particularly productive when the water is warm and summer is well established. Thus, from June to September, and more particularly during the warmest periods, you should prospect with regularity these spots which will undoubtedly shelter carnivorous fish.

However, they will not always be active and you will have to favor evening and morning shots during the hottest days and be patient and persevering to find a peak of activity during the day. These spots are under a lot of fishing pressure and the fish are particularly wary, but also sometimes in full frenzy and you will probably experience on these areas, some of your best fishing shots.

All species

At the foot of the dams, you will be able to track all species of freshwater predators from perch to catfish, but also other fish such as barbels which are very fond of craw and also migratory fish such as shad or salmon on the rivers where they are represented. Let's remember that these species go up the river to reproduce and that even if their fishing is authorized (and subject to specific regulations), it is important to adopt an ethical and responsible practice.

Summary of the report

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