What strategy should you adopt for a successful trout fishing season?

It's all about choosing the right strategy to best tackle this opening. Choosing the right area according to weather conditions, water height and color... So many questions to ask yourself before making the first casts.

Your equipment, presented in the previous article, is all set with a fine selection of Fiish lures.

But to make the most of your opening in a small river or stream, having the right lures is a great asset, but it's not enough!

Here are a few more tips to help you make the most of your chances!

Fishermen's concerns

This is undoubtedly the primary concern of all anglers, and the question that will recur throughout the week leading up to the opening of the first category. How does the river look? Is the water tinted? Is there a lot of flow?
Everyone scrutinizes the weather forecast in the days leading up to the opening.

Si vous disposez d'un peu de temps, profitez-en pour aller jeter un oeil à la rivière. Vos choix pour l'ouverture n'en seront que meilleurs.
If you have a little time, take a look at the river. Your choices for the opening will be all the better for it.

Indeed, all these concerns will have an impact on the choice of area and equipment to be used. If there is sustained rainfall just before the opening date, the river will be swollen and the water tinted. You'll need to adapt your fishing and target the smaller rivers, which tint less quickly than the main streams.

Adapt your fishing

Water color and flow will have an impact on the choice of lures and colors.
In strong currents, the Fiiish Power Tail is a good choice, as long as you don't animate the lure too quickly.

Sur les secteurs avec un courant soutenu, aucun doute, les Power Tails seront de sortie !
In areas with strong currents, there's no doubt that Power Tails will be out in force!

I usually fish upstream at the opening. The fish won't be the most active yet, given the outside temperature, and I've found that this technique often pays off better at the opening than the one I use for the rest of the season, which is to fish from upstream to downstream.

Slow fishing

In areas with strong currents, you should fish upstream to avoid having to animate your lures too quickly.

On calmer areas such as current tails, where fish are likely to be found given the low water temperature, you'll insist on scraping the bottom with a small black Minnow mounted on a 4.5 gram search head.

This combo is specially designed for this type of fishing and will surely be one of the keys if the fish are not very active and when you have to go after the ones called to the bottom.

Les têtes Shore permettent une pêche très lente également.
Shore heads also allow very slow fishing.

Fishing pressure

The opening will undoubtedly be one of the busiest days of the season. All fishing enthusiasts look forward to this date to renew their passion.
Fishing pressure will be high, and chances are you won't find yourself alone on a course.

That said, if you avoid the big river, city centers or artificially stocked areas, you're likely to be fewer in number and thus increase your chances of capture.

En sortant des sentiers battus, la pression de pêche sera inférieur et vos chances de réaliser de belles captures seront elles augmentées.
By getting off the beaten track, fishing pressure is reduced and your chances of catching a good fish are increased.

Still, fishing remains a convivial and shared experience. Meeting and talking to other enthusiasts is also part of the fun.

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