Pike-perch, a common fish that fascinates many anglers

Pike-perch, a sought-after carnivore © Antonin Perrotte-Duclos

The pike-perch is an atypical fish that can be fished in many different ways. An omnipresent carnivore much sought-after by anglers.


Des eaux calmes et profondes
Deep, calm waters

Introduced to France in the early 19th century, the zander (Sander lucioperca) is a fish of the percidae family. Present throughout France, it prefers deep, calm waters. Pike-perch are found in rivers, lakes, ponds and certain slow-flowing streams. The pike-perch has a long, spindle-shaped body and a tapering head. Gray-green in color with a rather white belly, it has two distinct dorsal fins. The largest specimens can exceed one meter in length and weigh over 15 kilos. Under certain conditions, pike-perch can live for more than 15 years.

An inveterate carnivore

Pike-perch feed mainly on whitefish, bleak, gudgeon or roach. To hunt discreetly, it prefers murky waters, its vision being adapted to dark waters. Its mouth contains large canines that enable it to seize its prey. Pike-perch often find themselves in competition with pike, and cohabitation may be to the detriment of one or the other species.


Pike-perch reproduction takes place in spring and early summer. As with black bass, the male pike-perch is responsible for building and maintaining the nest and protecting the eggs. A female pike-perch can lay over 150,000 eggs per kilogram.

Pike-perch fishing

La pêche du sandre en float-tube
Pike-perch float-tube fishing

Pike-perch fishing is available all year round (except during the breeding season). But it's especially in winter that results are best. At this time of year, pike-perch usually lie on the bottom waiting for food. The use of a boat increases the chances of catching a pike-perch. Pike-perch are most often caught vertically, using lures (soft lures, spoons or hard lures), bait or livebait. Depending on the biotope, landfishing can also produce good results.

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