Prepare to replace treble hooks with singles in 3 steps

The material to have to change the hooks of the swimming fish. © likid fishing

Changing treble hooks on hard lures to single hooks is something that is very easy to do, but before you start, make sure you are properly prepared.

1 - A broken ring pliers

The broken ring pliers are the tool to have before starting to replace hooks on lures. The small hook at the end of the pliers makes it easy to open the broken ring, to detach it from the lure or change the hook very easily. With small broken rings, it is possible to open them without pliers, but once they reach a certain size, pliers will soon be indispensable.

Pince à anneaux brisés HPA.
HPA broken ring pliers.

2 - Broken rings of different sizes

It is important to have several sizes of broken rings before starting, as it may be necessary to change the size of the rings to accommodate the new single hooks. Also, this is often an opportunity to replace the original broken rings with stronger models.

Il ne faut pas négliger l'importance de l'anneau brisé !
The importance of the broken ring should not be overlooked!

3 - Simple hooks of different sizes

I'll go into more detail on how to choose the right hooks to match the lure in the following article. Just as with split rings, it's important to have several references of single hooks on hand before you start. While there are some noticeable trends, there are no hard and fast rules for choosing the right size of single hooks.

Il est parfois nécessaire d'essayer plusieurs hameçons !
Sometimes it is necessary to try several hooks!

Very often, it is a question of feeling and in this case, having several sizes of hooks with you is necessary, to get closer to what you want. Moreover, the same lure can have 2 different hook sizes at the same time, hence the need for multiple references.

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