Pro-Staff / Antonin Duclos-Perrotte: "To have a goal, a mission, to test the equipment"

Antonin Field Tester Daiwa

Pro-Staff #46 -Antonin Duclos-Perrotte has been a Daiwa brand ambassador for several years. Passionate about lure fishing, Antonin is equally at home on the sea or in freshwater, and is always looking to get the most out of his fishing.

Hello Antonin, can you introduce yourself to readers?

My name is Antonin, I'm 25 years old, I was born and live near Toulon in the Var region, close to both the sea and freshwater. I mainly fish at sea, both with lures and baits, from the shore and by boat, but I also spend a lot of time in freshwater stalking various predators.

Traquer différentes espèces
Tracking different species

Can you tell us about your early days in fishing?

Fishing started for me when I was very young, following my father scuba diving along the rocky coasts and docks of my little peninsula. At first, the techniques were rather simple: a cork and a piece of worm to catch rock fish. Then I discovered cephalopod fishing and finally got my first tackle.

I discovered lure fishing thanks to rockfishing, a technique that lulled me through my childhood and adolescence and which was the "fashionable" way of fishing, stalking any fish that might live near me. I've never stopped wanting to discover new techniques ever since, enjoying learning to catch new fish as much as seeking them out in a different way.

Le plaisir de leurrer le poisson
The pleasure of luring fish

When, how and why did you agree to become a Pro-Staff?

Partnerships with brands started very early for me, I was barely 13 when I signed my first contract with CLEE fishing, which at the time was perfectly suited to my fishing techniques, eging and rockfishing. After several years with them, I decided to change course and continue fishing without worrying about brands, although it wouldn't last more than a year. At the end of 2018, I learned that Daiwa was creating a group of Field Testers to perfect their communication and I was part of it. I have to say, it's mainly thanks to fishing friends who have spoken about me over the years that I was spotted and chosen. It's with great pleasure that I accepted and now have the opportunity to test equipment since joining the team at the beginning of 2019.

What's more, I'm lucky enough to be able to test and fish with the fishing kayaks distributed by Kayak Attitude.

Le plaisir de tester le matériel
The pleasure of testing equipment

What does being an ambassador mean to you?

Ambassador is a rather vague word to describe what you can do as an angler within a brand. Some are more for communication, others for testing. What I like is to have a goal, a mission, to test the equipment and give my feedback. Being listened to as a Field Tester is the most rewarding thing, the number of hours you spend on the water does have a bearing on product development, and it's a joy to see other anglers succeed with equipment you've been able to try out when it was still just a sample.

What's your fondest memory or anecdote from your time as a Pro-Staff?

It's hard to name just one moment, but there's no doubt that the most important thing we share as Field Tester is our passion. Sharing it with new people you meet over the years who are just as bitten as you are is the best part. I've been lucky enough to meet some great anglers over the last few years, and I've learned a lot from them and had some great times out on the water.

Apprendre et partager
Learning and sharing

What do you think of fishing in France?

For me, fishing in France is changing rapidly. Climate change is creating new problems for fish, which live and survive in increasingly scarce water. Fortunately, anglers are there to see and act, each in their own way, to alert as many people as possible to the critical situation we're facing. It's vital that fishermen ask themselves the right questions, because without us, fish have no long-term future. I strongly recommend that all anglers, whether enthusiasts or casuals, take part in the actions carried out by freshwater federations and AAPPMAs. The game is worth the candle, it's a question of the future.

Any advice for anglers who want to join a Pro-Staff team one day?

If you want to become a pro-staff, you run the risk of no longer enjoying fishing for its very essence. Everything comes to him who waits, so fish as you've always done, and enjoy yourself. Of course, you'll need to communicate on your social networks - that's how fishing works now - but don't forget to have fun and challenge yourself to become a better version of yourself when fishing.

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