The colors of the float antennas, a question of visibility

In the traps, the mounted lines are alternated between the commercial yellow and red antenna floats. Depending on the visibility, and the eyes of each one, one chooses his color. But sometimes, neither red nor yellow are suitable, so black is used.

Black antennas to see the keys

There is no doubt that our eyes, riveted on our float, are damaged by the reflection of the water. It is also essential to preserve them.

Glasses, caps are important tools for fishermen. The comfort of seeing correctly is part of the success.

Black antennas are therefore also a good alternative. Of course there are no commercially available ones, but there is a simple trick to set it up, a simple marker!

un marqueur pour colorer l'antenne
A marker to color the antenna

Differentiate your lines

It is always better to have your lines split, as well as to vary the height of floats, or sinkers in fishing action. But also to mount them with the three colors of antenna, for each weight.

Thus, depending on the brightness of the day, the choice of your line will be based on the color of the antenna.

Nevertheless, it will be possible for you, in the course of fishing to remove the black, on your favorite line of the day. For this, a simple pot of nail polish remover. There are some with integrated foam, and this is the most practical. On the other hand, be careful with the materials of antennas!

le dissolvant pour décolorer
The bleach remover

Fiber, plastic or metal?

The reaction of the solvent on the different antennas can be destructive. Preferably use the remover only on plastic antennas. However, if you have to discolor your fiber or metal antennas, you may lose the original red or yellow color. There are varnishes to repaint them! So nothing is lost!

les 3 couleurs d'antennes à avoir
The 3 colors of antennas to have

With a marker and a nail polish remover in your station locker, you can improve your fishing comfort. And no doubt your wife will enjoy accompanying you to redo her nails at your side...

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