The common tuna, a pelagic fish to be sought after for sensations

© Laurent Duclos

The common tuna is one of the pelagic fish species that can be found in France. A muscular predator which moves in shoal, for the greatest pleasure of the fishermen.

Presentation of the common tuna

With its scientific name Euthynnus alletteratus, the tuna is a pelagic fish present on the whole of the French coasts and it is also found in the Caribbean Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico.

Its belly is silvery while its back is blue and has numerous marbling, while its dorsal fin is small. The common tuna is differentiated from other scombrids by the presence of black spots on the back of the head. The tuna can reach a size superior to the meter for a weight exceeding the ten kilos and it can live about ten years.

Its streamlined body allows it to move very quickly and makes it a real sport fish.

Des tâches sombres
Dark spots

Nutrition and behavior

On our coasts, it is not uncommon to find tuna in the company of other fish such as mackerel and even tuna. The tuna moves in schools under the surface in search of potential prey. Its food is mainly made up of small fish like anchovies or sardines. But the tuna is an opportunistic fish that does not disregard different mollusks or crustaceans.

The common tuna fishery

Pêcher la thonine sur les chasses
Fishing for tuna on hunts

The common tuna, like all pelagic fish, can be fished with different lures (hard or soft lures). From a boat, the most entertaining technique is to fish with lures on a light set. However, it is also possible to fish for tuna by trolling or by using the grazing technique.

The fishing of the tuna from the board will be done on important funds in shore jigging most often. The tuna is a fish that offers nice fights and intense emotions.

There are no specific regulations concerning common tuna and therefore there is no minimum catch size.

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