Bluefin tuna fishing, the choice of rod and reel is essential for success

© François Michon

When you want to tackle bluefin tuna fishing, the equipment is very important. Let's start by choosing the right rod and reel which must be able to handle big fights with these unusual fish.

Which canes to use?

Des poissons surpuissants
Super-powered fish

Whatever your fishing area, Mediterranean or Atlantic, you will have to equip yourself with a powerful combo. The rod must allow you to reach the hunts, and to bridle quickly enough an overpowering tuna.

For the rod, here are the four models that can be used to fish bluefin tuna (from the least powerful to the most powerful):

  • The Tenryu Demoniac Tuna, a rod for fishing at the beginning of the season in Brittany for example, with "small lures" on smaller fish, even in the Mediterranean. It will however be able to hold on to fish of 80 kilos and more, but the fight will be much longer, and this is not the goal when you have to release the tuna as soon as possible.
  • Personally I use the Tenryu Furrary Racing 80 lbs, a rod that allows you to send small lures as well as much bigger lures depending on the size of the prey hunted by the tuna. This rod is capable of bridling fish of 100 kg and will give you pleasure on fish of 50/60 kilos.
  • The Red Fight, identical in size to the Tenryu Furrary Racing 80 lbs, but available in 120 lbs and 150 ls. Ideal for casting small lures, with a nice power reserve.
  • The Tenryu Red Monster Special 200 lbs , is a rod designed for fish weighing over 100 kg, it will simplify tough fights on big subjects. It also exists in 250 lbs, but you will need arms accordingly!

The importance of the reel and the brake

Un gros moulinet
A big reel

For the reel, you should not be afraid to see big. The two major brands of reels that are Daiwa and Shimano are the references in terms of big game fishing. At Daiwa a Saltiga/Catalina in size 6500H or a Dogfight 8000H, and at Shimano I advise at least the Twinpower size 14000SW or preferably the Stella 18000/20000SW.

The reel's drag is very important. Fighting a tuna can quickly become complicated, a reel with a brake worthy of the name will allow you to keep control over the fight. The retrieve capacity of the reel is also to be taken into account. Whether it is for the animations when you fish with the popper for example, or during the fight. Being able to retrieve more than 120 cm (on average) per turn of the crank makes fishing much easier.

Another important point is the capacity of the reel which will be filled with braid. According to the fishing places, it will be essential that your reel has a large capacity in order to be able to let quietly leave the biggest subjects during the rushes.

You must not neglect the quality of the reels to fish for tuna, which obviously has a cost. But the brands suggested above will allow you to fish with peace of mind.

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