Light bait fishing, easy access for beginners

© Perrotte-Duclos Antonin

To start fishing at sea from a boat, fishing with natural baits allows to catch a large number of fish. The light support fishing is aimed at small rock fish, present in large quantities on our coasts.

A very effective technique

One of the particularities that makes the support fishing a fun technique is the large number of hits and catches in a session. Once the boat is well placed on rocks or posidonia mats, the bites do not take long to arrive.

It can be practiced in all depths, from less than 4 meters to more than 100 meters. It can be practiced all year round, although the summer season is more favorable. Several types of baits can be used, with shrimp and various sea worms working particularly well and allowing the selection of different species.

A royal girelle, a fish very present on our coasts

A great diversity of species

Supported fishing can be practiced on all types of substrates, so the species that can be caught vary according to the composition of the bottom. Rocky plateaus when fishing with worms will produce a large quantity of sarrans, girelles and small sparidae of rocks like the sar, the sparaillon or the veirade.

The muddy bottoms allow you to target fish a little more combative such as bogue, pageot acarnate or even redfish. As for the sand, the hits are generally rarer, but the species are frequently more noble. Sea bream, pike-perch and different kinds of flatfish are frequently found in these areas. Be careful though, it is not uncommon to encounter whitefish, fish whose spine bite is very painful.

Un pageot acarné, poisson typique des fonds sablo-vaseux
An acarnate pageot, typical fish of sandy-muddy bottoms

Affordable equipment

Few anglers have taken the step of upgrading their equipment to the latest rod and reel models, thus losing years of technological evolution. However, most of the equipment for this technique remains very affordable.

The rods dedicated to this technique can, moreover, be used for different vertical fishing techniques, such as squid fishing for example. The materials that make up the rods make them very strong, yet light, tools, guaranteeing you to keep your set over time, if you take care of it of course.

Baits are mandatory in this type of fishing, so they are "consumables", which can quickly become a big budget if you go out often. Worms are very effective, but their price is quite high. Don't forget to bring along more affordable baits, such as shrimp, which tend to hold less well on the hook, but will allow you to fish without worrying too much about your budget.

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