A fierce competition
On some fishing spots, competition can be fierce. To be sure of finding a spot, you may have to get up very early or resign yourself to prospecting less-frequented areas. The multiplication of publications on the various social networks has brought to the fore fishing spots that are becoming over-frequented, whatever the fishing technique practiced.
Nowadays, if you want to fish with peace of mind, you have to be discreet and avoid posting your catch on social networks. Alternatively, photographs of the catch must not allow the area to be identified. It is therefore essential to deactivate geolocation, and you can also change the image background using software designed for this purpose.
What's more, the scarcity of fish on certain stretches of water or watercourses is leading to over-frequentation of places where there are still plenty of fish. This over-frequentation and the disrespect shown by some anglers are even leading more and more communes to ban access to certain fishing spots, much to the annoyance of local regulars. The adage "to live happily, let's live hidden" can easily be applied to recreational fishing.
Yet, even if the pleasure of going fishing alone and discreetly remains one of the singular pleasures of fishing, sharing leads to other satisfactions that it would be a shame to ignore.
No longer afraid to show off your fishing spots
With the advent of the Internet and other artificial intelligences, it's getting harder and harder to keep your fishing spots to yourself. What if you weren't afraid to share your fishing spots? All the more so if you're fishing on large stretches of water or out at sea. It's a good idea to bear in mind that other anglers may be prospecting your fishing spots without having the same success.
The conditions encountered and the behavior of the fish can change at any time and alter the results. What's more, each angler has his own way of fishing, his own techniques and his own equipment. All these parameters automatically change the results.
Sharing your fishing spots allows you to open up to others and learn from them too. And if, unfortunately, your fishing spots are less often accessible, this will be an opportunity to explore new places and discover new prospects that may hold some very nice fish.