Return of session / First trout of the year at the Chaise Dieu du Theil reservoir

A large trout from the Chaise Dieu du Theil reservoir © Enjoy Fishing / Jean-Baptiste Vidal

While in the Eure department, I took the opportunity to visit one of the region's best-known reservoirs, the Chaise Dieu du Theil reservoir. Heavy rainfall has caused the rivers to flood, and only a small part of the reservoir remains passable. In spite of these conditions, the fish were very active and I had a great time catch after catch!

I've been to this reservoir in Normandy, an hour's drive from my mother's house, several times now, but it's rare, even exceptional.

It's renowned for its diversity, with several lakes and a man-made river where sight fishing is one of the most popular techniques. Chiro fishing is often interesting and sometimes very productive, but today everything is different. When I arrive, I discover that everything is in flood and that only two lakes are passable, as all the rivers in the region are out of their beds.

The owner, Jean Pucci, informs me that Lake Nessie, known for its big trout, has very clear waters, and that it's also possible to fish Emilie, the new lake that has been in the water for a few years.

Le réservoir de la Chaise Dieu Du Theil propose un parcours varié constitué d'une rivière artificielle et de 6 plans d'eau
The Chaise Dieu Du Theil reservoir offers a varied course consisting of an artificial river and 6 bodies of water

Less than 50% of the area can be fished

I'm disappointed, but I'd expected it since I'd called the day before, but I thought I'd still be able to fish other lakes. Everything is flooded on the estate, and it's not very inviting!

Fortunately, Lake Nessie, which I've never fished, has very clear waters.

Before getting dressed, I make sure that's the case. Then I go back to my car and assemble the two canes I'd planned for the occasion.

A Sage Fondation 9 foot 6 line, fitted with a Rio Camolux intermediate line, a long leader and two streamers. Then, just in case, a second rod, a Sage Sonic 10-foot 7 line with an S5 line for deeper fishing, which I keep under my elbow.

Prévoir le matériel adapté permet de rapidement trouver la pêche
With the right equipment, you'll quickly find your catch

Find the peach

I'm planning a 4-hour outing to get away from it all during the holiday season with my family. Formula proposed by the estate. I'll be fishing from 12:00 to 16:00.

Before going into action, after setting up my leader on which I've put an orange helmeted white streamer tip and a red worm apps stem 1 m above it, I walk around the lake for a few minutes to try and understand its physiognomy and possibly spot some trout.

But it's been so windy for the last few days and today too, with gusts of over 70 km/h, that it makes sight-fishing very difficult, if not impossible. I can only see one trout.

Le lac de Nessie reconnue pour ses grosses truites
Lake Nessie renowned for its large trout

As soon as I start casting, my white streamer is intercepted by one of the lake's big trout. This one isn't fighting at all. I can only tell it's a big fish by the big head strikes. The other trout are much more powerful and make the reel whistle. They don't fail to live up to the lake's reputation.

It seems that the trout prefer fast to very fast animations, as I catch several trout either in "rolly polly" or on the breaks during this animation. I change the stem, as the trout are all hitting the white tip fly. But nothing works. Worm apps, pink streamer, olive... I switch to 18° to see if it makes a difference compared to the 22, and after catching two medium-sized trout (around 50 cm) I get the whole leader ripped off at the touch!

I decided to stay at 18°, but apart from two follow-ups, the bites were few and far between. I would have streamed 5/6 trout all the same.

Des poissons très combatifs et puissants. En soie de 6 un régal!

Fish in good shape

The trout seem to be active, however, even if we don't see any on the surface gobbling or sticking their heads out to take chiros.

As always with reservoirs, you have to find the right fishing! Even if I quickly got results, sometimes by changing techniques or even small parameters, you can be more efficient, or even catch a lot more fish!

So I decided to modify my fishing and try a completely different approach.

I know that chiros are very present in these estate lakes, so I rig one on a stem 1.5 m from my tip fly. I hesitate between keeping a white streamer or trying a blob or FAB.

I decided to try something else and tied a FAB in Lemon Yellow/Corail and yellow foam.

From the very first cast, animated by knitting, I spike the first trout within the first 30 seconds of recovery.

Another medium-sized fish of 50 cm is very combative and gives me several rushes and candles. Just great!

I deplete this fish then raise it again and same scenario. I catch another fish. This time it's a big one from the lake that took my FAB at the break after several very short and very fast strips.

Le FAB une arme redoutable en réservoir
The FAB, a formidable reservoir weapon

The FAB, a formidable weapon

For more than two and a half hours, the keys will be on almost every pitch!

I land trout after trout, most of them between 60 and 70 cm long! They're absolutely crazy about my FABs. Unheard of!

While I often fish static or knit, which I did during the first few casts, I try different animations to see what might help me catch even more fish. Once again, it's the fast animations followed by a pause that allow me to trigger 80% of the bites.

I broke once on a fish that came right up to the edge of the line on the retrieve, and I also had my FAB ripped off twice on the touch, even at 18°! Yet I retie my knot every time I catch a big fish to keep my line strong.

A voracious trout will swallow my FAB whole and I won't be able to see it down its gullet or recover it!

It's become too easy and I have to admit I'm losing interest in this fishery right now!

I take the opportunity to test a number of FAB colors, but they all catch fish, even if some colors seem to appeal a little more. Only one big trout, a deformed one at that, will take my chiro.

So I was still trying to figure out which animation worked best, so that I could continue to learn lessons and learn new things.

I'll change the position twice to see if it's just the position or my FABs that make the difference, as the other two anglers aren't catching anything. Even if the spot I chose at the start of the session, for its orientation to the wind, casting clearance and profile, seems the best and holds the most fish, I'll catch trout everywhere, whether not far from the edges or in the middle. I'll catch trout anywhere, whether it's close to the edge or right in the middle.

The only recurring factor is the 5-10 second pause between animations.

Touches were easy to feel without being like rifle shots. The silk was taut, and a quick lift of the rod was all it took to poke them without breaking.

Une belle truite du lac Nessie
A beautiful trout from Nessie Lake

The four-hour session passes very quickly and it's soon 16:00. I pack up my rods and head back to reception to pay my dues and put my equipment away.

The other two anglers didn't have any success of their own. They're very surprised by my results. We chat for a while, then they ask me if I can sell them some flies! I give them a FAB each, so that they can hopefully end their day on a high note!

A great session, just the way we like it, with fishing that had to be found. Very big trout that made my rod bend and my reel sing. Great way to start the year!

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