Illustrated novel L'ordre des choses, an ode to fly fishing

The Order of Things

L'ordre des choses is an original illustrated novel, a hymn to artificial fly fishing. The work of two authors with a passion for fishing, it is a work in which an initiatory quest blends with a dreamlike universe.

Oneirism and fly-fishing

Ernest Klein, a young American citizen with a passion for nature and artificial fly fishing, is offered a stay in a magnificent country. A country renowned as much for the beauty of its rivers as for its hospitality. From surprising encounters to strangely real adventures, this trip will indelibly shape the course of his entire life.

And so, as he winds his way through the doubts that beset him, he pursues, in one world or another, his quest for an order of things, the keystone of which may well have something to do with that hovering shadow that has obsessed him since he landed in this country, Anna's shadow.

Des illustrations de qualité
Quality illustrations

Authors with a passion for fishing

Kizou Dumas is a painter and engraver based in Tence (43). Initiator of the project, he excels in the representation of landscapes, as well as portraits. He has been fly-fishing for a very long time in a way that leaves plenty of room for contemplation and confrontation with the elements. A recognized figure in the visual arts, in recent years he has developed a pronounced penchant for writing as a counterbalance to his artistic practice. Kizou Dumas' work includes illustrations for "L'accroche-mouche" (2009).

Marc Desage is a retired teacher from the French Ministry of Education, and lives in Saint-Chamond (42). From his childhood spent in the countryside, he has kept and cultivated a taste that some would say is immoderate for the things of water and fishing. He has fished with artificial flies in many countries, always seeking to discover what lies behind the next meander. His interest in writing took shape when he wrote "L'accroche-mouche", a book produced in collaboration with Kizou Dumas and published in 2009. Now retired, he sees the publication of "L'ordre des choses" as a new challenge.

Les auteurs, Marc Desage à gauche et Kizou Dumas à droite
The authors, Marc Desage on the left and Kizou Dumas on the right

The genesis of the book

The original idea was born in 2005 from a series of pencil drawings by Kizou Dumas.

Surprising landscapes with rivers, lakes and rocky peaks dotted with strange spheres. Then, based on this imaginary country, the names of places and a few characters, including the hero, an avid fly-fisherman, he initiated a literary plot.

In 2013, he convinced his friend Marc Desage, with whom he had already collaborated on "L'accroche-mouche" in 2009, to embark on a new adventure. For the next ten years, the two authors would be in constant exchange, during which the plot, twists and turns and denouement would take shape until the final version saw the light of day in January 2023. This book can therefore be considered as having been written by four hands.

Un univers onirique
A dreamlike universe


"Downstream fishing is very well suited to drowned fly fishing, especially in large, shallow riffles. I modify the leader assembly by attaching two flies. The tippet fly looks like a plump pallaretta, while the lighter tippet fly has a pardo cock feather ruff slightly folded back behind the eyelet. A simple roll of silk encircled by gold thread covers the hook shank. Both swim beautifully, drifting with the waves, while I guide my line, barely stretched between two fingers. I love this kind of fishing...".

L'Ordre des Choses
The order of things

The order of things

  • 176-page illustrated novel, including 36 full-page color illustrations
  • Printed in four-color process
  • Retail price: ?32
  • To purchase the book, contact Marc Desage by e-mail:
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