Ned Rig, a lure fishing technique that is becoming more popular!

The Ned Rig is named after its inventor, Ned Kehde. © Likid Fishing

The Ned Rig is a technique that is starting to appear in France, but it is not new. Here's how it came about and where it came from.


The Ned Rig is a technique that was developed in the United States by Ned Kehde, a black bass angler, during the 1980s. To be precise, the term "Ned Rig" refers to a mushroom-shaped head that Ned Kehde developed to have something that does not easily catch on the bottom.

Moreover, this particular shape allows to present the lure vertically, and to maintain it thus when it is put on the bottom. To complete this set-up, its creator cut in two 5 inches worms, which he installed on this hook.

Le Ned Rig ressemble à un worm raccourci.
The Ned Rig looks like a shortened worm.

It is about twenty years later, with Kevin VanDam and the Z-Man company, that this technique benefits from a great evolution, and by the same token, is democratized among competitors and fishermen.

Z-Man has developed a lure in the shape of a small worm, in a floating material, very durable, elastic and soft: the Elaztech.

L'Elaztech est un plastique étirable développé par Z-Man.
Elaztech is a stretch plastic developed by Z-Man.

This lure, which represents a piece of worm, a caterpillar or even a french fry, depending on your imagination, is called the Z-Man TRD Finesse, and is still on the shelves today!

Z-Man à permis de populariser la pêche au Ned Rig.
Z-Man helped popularize Ned Rig fishing.

In the United States, they even give it the familiar and affectionate nickname of "turds", but I'll let you do the translation by yourself.


Since then, several variations of this lure specifically designed to be mounted on the Ned-Rig head have emerged. These can take the form of a crayfish, a creature, a tube or a longer worm. And Z-Man is no longer alone in offering these products, which helps to broaden the range of choices.

American brands, such as Strike King, Berkley or X Zone are now part of the game. Even French brands such as Illex offer products for Ned Rig fishing.

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