Fishing for pollock, scratch fishing to target pollock at the bottom

Caught Scratch Pollock © Guillaume Fourrier

When the fish are lurking on the bottom, they are difficult to reach with long-range animations. Scratch fishing is an excellent technique to dislodge yelloweye.

Yelloweye sometimes concentrate on small rock heads in more or less dense schools. Depending on the tides, they are very active off the bottom or lying behind the rocks on the bottom. In the latter case, the bottom must be combed with a fine-toothed comb using the technique known as "scrape fishing".

Scrape the relief on the bottom

The lures must then follow the underwater topography. In other words, we make the lure follow the relief so that it is constantly flush with the bottom. The goal is to pass under the nose of a yellow spot that will punish our lure in passing. It is a versatile fishing which can touch other species. Let us quote for example the old, bars or still cods.

Le lieu jaune se prend aux leurres souples
The pollack is caught with soft lures

Soft lures from 12 to 18 cm

For this fishery, we opt for soft lures from 12 to 18 cm weighted with leaded heads from 35 to 90 g depending on the bottom, the depth and the volume of the lure. I prefer a lure that does not take the current too much. For example, a shad with a vibrating tail of 12 cm or a slug of 18 cm. These lures have a lower current take and remain more easily in the plumb of the boat. It is thus easier to feel the bottom and the bites.

Here are some examples of combos among many others:

Mother Worm 19 cm + Mother 50 g
Mother Worm 19 cm + Mother 50 g
Slug-go 22,5 cm + Tête slug 55 g
Slug-go 22,5 cm + Slug head 55 g

Sensitive canes

La pêche à gratter exige une canne sensible
Scratch fishing requires a sensitive rod

The key point is to use sensitive rods. Medium or high end models, generally from 150 euros, from 2.20 to 2.50 m and weight 10-40 to 20-50 g. This is a general rule, we must try to get closer. The action of the rod must be fast. You should look for a very sensitive model. The braid is between 0.14 and 0.16 mm in diameter.

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